On Dialogue by David Bohm · Dandelion

On Dialogue
by David Bohm


David Bohm's "On Dialogue" explores a way of communicating that transcends the limitations of typical conversation, aiming to bridge divides and foster collective understanding. Here's a breakdown of its key ideas:

The Problem with Ordinary Discourse:

Bohm argues that most conversations are plagued by:

  • Fragmentation: We fixate on our own viewpoints and predetermined conclusions.
  • Ego Involvement: Our focus shifts to defending our positions rather than understanding others.
  • "Thought as System": Preconceived ideas and biases become rigid systems that filter our perceptions.

Dialogue as a Solution:

Dialogue, as envisioned by Bohm, offers an alternative:

  • Suspension of Assumptions: Participants temporarily set aside their beliefs and opinions, creating space for new insights.
  • Collective Inquiry: Dialogue is a shared exploration where meaning emerges from the interaction itself, not from predetermined agendas.
  • Listening with Empathy: Active listening and a genuine desire to understand others' perspectives are crucial.

The Role of Thought and Meaning:

Bohm delves into the nature of thought itself, arguing that:

  • Thought is Participatory: We don't "have" thoughts; rather, thoughts arise from a shared pool of meaning within a culture and language.
  • Dialogue Exposes "Thought Identifications": By carefully observing our thinking processes, we can become aware of our own biases and assumptions.

Dialogue and Collective Transformation:

Bohm believes that dialogue has the potential to:

  • Break Down Barriers: By fostering understanding, dialogue can bridge divides between individuals and groups.
  • Generate Creativity: The free flow of ideas in a dialogue can lead to innovative solutions and new ways of seeing the world.
  • Transform Society: If embraced widely, dialogue can contribute to a more harmonious and collaborative society.

Key Concepts:

  • Suspension: The act of temporarily setting aside one's assumptions and opinions.
  • Participation: Recognizing that meaning emerges from the interaction itself, not from individual contributions.
  • Collective Meaning: The shared pool of understanding within a group or culture.
  • Thought as System: The tendency for thoughts to become rigid and unquestioned.
  • Dialogue Group: A facilitated group specifically dedicated to practicing dialogue.

"On Dialogue" offers a compelling vision for communication that transcends debate and fosters genuine understanding. While challenging to implement perfectly, its principles provide valuable insights into the limitations of ordinary discourse and offer a hopeful path toward more meaningful and collaborative human interaction.