The Lost Spells by Robert Macfarlane · Dandelion

The Lost Spells
by Robert Macfarlane and Jackie Morris


"The Lost Spells" by Robert Macfarlane and Jackie Morris is not a novel with a plot, but rather a beautifully illustrated collection of poems, or "spells," that celebrate the everyday wonders of the natural world.

Here's a breakdown of its essence:

Central Theme:

  • Reconnection with Nature: The book encourages readers, particularly young ones, to slow down, pay attention, and rediscover the magic and wonder in the natural world around them.
  • Reverence and Respect: It fosters a sense of reverence and respect for all living creatures, big and small, from majestic owls to tiny silverfish.

Structure and Style:

  • Spell-Poems: Each double-page spread features a single creature or element of nature paired with a spell-like poem. These poems are short, lyrical, and often use rhyme and rhythm to create a sense of enchantment.
  • Exquisite Illustrations: Jackie Morris's breathtaking watercolor illustrations are not mere decorations but rather an integral part of the book's magic. They capture the essence of each creature with astonishing detail and vibrancy, inviting the reader to truly see and appreciate their beauty.

Impact and Legacy:

  • Modern Classic: "The Lost Spells" has quickly become a modern classic, captivating readers of all ages with its message of hope, wonder, and the importance of cherishing the natural world.
  • Companion to "The Lost Words": It serves as a companion to Macfarlane and Morris's previous book, "The Lost Words," which similarly aimed to reintroduce words from nature that were disappearing from children's dictionaries.

Overall, "The Lost Spells" is more than just a book; it's an experience. It invites us to slow down, open our senses, and rediscover the magic and wonder that exist all around us in the natural world. It's a reminder of the importance of preserving and cherishing these wonders for generations to come.