Family Dance – Little Shoots 2 dates

movement family friendly dance movement for life
Hosted by Movement for Life
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18+ people
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Welcome to Family Dance, a drop-in session for families who love to dance freely or want to try.

Family Dance is held the first Sunday morning of the month during term-times.

A playful movement exploration for all exploring the tiny and wonderful beginnings of Spring. Followed by free-form dance.

10.30am – 12.00pm
Dartington Trust Studio 6
Led by Adam Griffin and  Asher Levin

This is all-age dance space. Friends and family welcome.

Created by Movement for Life community group.

Sliding scale £8-14
Children come free with an adult ticket. While it’s okay to include a child from another family in your own ticket, please don’t book in multiple children from another family without an addition adult carer coming too. This keeps the space manageable, thank you.
Please note that we do not have our usual National Lottery Awards for All funding for this event. Application pending for for events from April. So we'd appreciate people paying the full price and choosing the lower end of the sliding scale only if essential.

Warmly welcome!

Select tickets

This event started 15 days ago

One adult (kids free) £14
This helps cover our full costs and keeping Family Dance going — thank you. While it’s okay to include a child from another family in your own ticket, please don’t book in multiple children from another family without an addition adult carer coming too.
One adult (kids free) £12
Thanks for helping us cover full costs. While it’s okay to include a child from another family in your own ticket, please don’t book in multiple children from another family without an addition adult carer coming too.
One adult (kids free) £10
Thanks for helping us cover our costs. While it’s okay to include a child from another family in your own ticket, please don’t book in multiple children from another family without an addition adult carer coming too.
One adult (kids free) £8 Sold out
Choose this ticket if you are struggling with living costs. While it’s okay to include a child from another family in your own ticket, please don’t book in multiple children from another family without an addition adult carer coming too.
One adult (kids free) £0 Sold out
Choose this ticket if you are struggling to pay basic living bills and cannot afford activities. While it’s okay to include a child from another family in your own ticket, please don’t book in multiple children from another family without an addition adult carer coming too.
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By proceeding you agree to Dandelion's terms and conditions and understand this event is organised by Movement for Life, who takes financial and legal responsibility for the event.

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