Fierce Love: Womxn's Journey to the Heart of Anger · Dandelion

Fierce Love: Womxn's Journey to the Heart of Anger

community transformation emotional expression anger women's empowerment
Hosted by Grow in Harmony
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Anger is powerful. 

Anger is a messenger.

It tells us that something important is at stake.

It can reveal our strength to stand up for what is right and good. 

Too often, we are afraid or ashamed of our anger. Culturally, we have forgotten how to listen and respond to this emotion with love. We repress it. We may not know it is there, but it lives in the shadows and in our bodies. 

In this workshop, we will plant the seeds of a new story. We will explore the energy of Durga, the tantric warrior goddess of protection and inner strength. We will invite you into the heart of your anger, to discover and express what you are longing for. Together, we will allow anger to light a fire of creative and loving transformation. 

The afternoon will include:

  • Exploring your relationship with anger through the lens of parts work
  • Dance and movement journey
  • Witnessing each other in pairs and circles
  • Optional supportive touch

*All women are welcome, as well as others called to explore the feminine. 

If you have any questions about participating in this workshop, we’re happy for you to get in touch.

Your facilitators:

Becky Watkins offers spaces to cultivate connection, community and imagination while being present to the rich tapestry of experiences that make up our personal, relational and collective worlds. She facilitates climate grief and resilience spaces and has a background in clinical psychology, providing psychotherapy and teaching mindfulness.

Robin Wren Prospect is a facilitator of transformational group processes. She is a steward of liberating ways of relating to ourselves, each other and our planet. She is also a writer and coach. Robin's mission is to tend the green shoots of the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.

Select tickets

Early Bird £20
Available until 30 September
Standard £25
Supporter £30
For anyone called to support this work further

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By proceeding you agree to Dandelion's terms and conditions and understand this event is organised by Robin Wren Prospect, who takes financial and legal responsibility for the event.