Heart of the Serpent Goddess: Mexico Retreat · Dandelion

Heart of the Serpent Goddess: Mexico Retreat

kundalini cacao retreat mexico rose spring retreat women circle rosetea cacao ceremony feminine embodiment celebration of the feminine circle of women plant retreat shamanic dance shamanic jungleretreat rose and blue lotus tea embodied sexuality women's empowerment serpent goddess mayan
Hosted by Bryony Rose
Enquiries to womb.nectar@gmail.com
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The Intention 


In the sacred depths of Mexico’s ancient Mayan rainforest, beneath the dense canopy where the whispers of the Serpent Goddess echo through the earth, lies a realm where the Wild Mother’s spirit dances with the elemental forces of nature. 

Here, among cenotes brimming with crystal-clear waters and ancient archaeological sites, the timeless call of the wild beckons. 

Within every woman resides a primal yearning—a deep, untamed longing to reconnect with her wild essence, to trust the currents of life that flow through her, and to embody the vibrant aliveness that dares to bloom in every heartbeat. 




During our 7-day journey into this sacred land, we will merge body and earth as one. Like the unfurling petals of a rose, we will attune to the ancient, primal voice of nature. The answers we seek lie within the very heartbeat of Earth—where the Wild Mother weaves through us like a river carving stone. Each breath will unlock hidden gifts, deepening our connection to the sacred energies of this land. 

In this potent underworld journey, we will awaken and expand the serpentine energy within us. Through Kundalini Bodywork, Womb Yoga, Shamanic Embodiment, and Plant Spirit Communication, you’ll participate in sacred rituals that will liberate your physical, energetic, and emotional bodies. This journey will deepen your connection to yourself, your sovereignty, and the creative space of your womb, while harmonizing with the divine feminine. 

With bare feet on sacred ground and open hearts, we invite you to an embodied encounter with the living mysteries of this ancient land. Together, we’ll unveil the Serpent Goddess within, remembering that all is holy, held together in the Sacred Web of Life. This is a rare opportunity to dance to the untamed feminine heartbeat of the Mayan jungle.






♀ Sumptuous Self-Care: Immerse in the healing waters of sacred cenotes, indulge in flower baños, embodied dance, yoni steam rituals, womb yoga, and massage workshops.

🌹 Explore Shamanic Rituals: Connect with the spirit of Rose, Blue Lotus, and Cacao through ancient practices of plant spirit communication.

♀ Sleep Beneath the Stars: Experience the tranquility of the jungle in the heart of the Mayan world, with a private cenote, temazcal, and proximity to Riviera beaches and archaeological wonders.

🌹 Awaken Your Wild Feminine: Engage in Temple Arts, earth rituals, Kundalini bodywork, somatic embodiment, and womb work to unleash your primal essence.

♀ Open New Possibilities: Find your voice, tap into your intuitive healing abilities, and deepen your body connection under the guidance of Bryony & Harley.

🌹 Embrace the Rose Lineage: Journey through Mexico's spiritual heart, diving into Maria Magdalena’s wisdom, Rose healing ceremonies, and the sacred art of medicine-making.




Serpent Goddess Rising 2024




What You Receive


7 Nights at Cenote Balm-Ha: Immerse yourself in the lush, untamed beauty of the Mayan jungle at our eco-luxury haven. Delight in the exclusive serenity of our private Cenote and luxuriate in accommodations that blend opulence with nature’s raw splendor.

Exclusive Private Transfers: Glide effortlessly to our retreat with private transfers to and from Cancun airport and direct transport to awe-inspiring archaeological wonders.

Gourmet Culinary Indulgence: Indulge in three delectable, gourmet meals each day, masterfully crafted by our resident chef using the freshest local and organic ingredients, designed to delight your senses and nourish your soul.

Epic Explorations: Embark on exhilarating excursions to ancient Mayan ruins and sacred sites, guided by passionate local experts who will unveil the mystical layers of this rich cultural landscape.

Transformative Workshops and Ceremonies: Dive into life-changing workshops and rituals led by Bryony & Harley, with special guest teachers and facilitators from Mexico. Experience ecstatic practices such as Flowers of the Womb and Kundalini Bodywork, all within an enchanting ceremonial space that breathes with nature’s energy.

Rejuvenating Holistic Experiences: Bask in blissful activities like thermal spring baths, enchanting flower baths, yoni steam rituals, and rejuvenating massage workshops, all designed to elevate your well-being and pleasure.

Wild Natural Immersion: Surrender to the wild majesty of the Mayan jungle, joining a circle of kindred spirits on a journey of profound self-discovery and empowerment amidst this sacred, vibrant landscape.


From Serpent Goddess Rising in the heart of the Amazon


Serpent Goddess Rising


Serpent Goddess Rising The time has come to activate your inner Serpent Goddess: the feminine consciousness of your awakened Shakti. 

We ignite the fire of your Kundalini energy, creating a bridge between heaven and earth - allowing our serpentine life force to rise, forming a ladder for consciousness to climb and ascend. 

Welcome to the new paradigm of sensual aliveness in embodied, awakened form, your deepening intimacy with earth reflecting your evolving connection to body and soul.


In the Mayan world, the serpentine energy takes the form of Quetzalcoatl, the Rainbow Feathered Serpent. Esteemed as both an Aztec and Mayan creator god, Quetzalcoatl embodies the sacred fusion of the green quetzal bird and the serpent, symbolizing the power of transformation, rain, science, and agriculture. His name, meaning "Feathered Serpent" in Nahuatl, signifies a profound blend of primal and celestial forces. 

As we invoke the essence of Quetzalcoatl, we awaken the serpentine energy within, igniting your Kundalini—a sacred force that rises through your being, cleansing and elevating your consciousness. This energy mirrors the Earth's own Kundalini system, which moves through the planet in a grand, serpentine dance every 13,000 years, sparking spiritual evolution. 

This transition is ushering in a new era of feminine consciousness, unrestricted by the limitations of previous patterns as it links us with cosmic energy, eternal wisdom, magnetic force and boundless inspiration. 


Serpent Goddess Rising 2024



The Flow


Each  day will have a unique flavour & theme, as we follow the devotional path of the heart & womb. But by creating a daily rhythm we create structure for the feminine to flow.

7am - 8am: Somatic Practice

Womb Yoga & Somatic Movement, Elemental Flow or Slow Sensual Awakening

8.30am - 9.30am: Breakfast

10am - 12pm: Morning Attunement

Sharing Circle, Rose Healing Modality and/or Embodiment Journey

1pm - 2.30pm: Lunch

3pm - 6pm: Afternoon Ritual

Co-creating with the Land, Creative Practice and/or Energetic Work

7pm - 8pm: Dinner

8.30pm: Evening Ceremony or Rest & Reflection, Shamanic Journeying, Fire Ceremony or Quiet Time, Journaling and Resting


Exact timings may vary slightly depending on the weather & the pilgrimage or excursion we have planned for that day. For example on some days we may choose to pilgrimage in the morning rather than afternoon.

It is advised to be prepared for all weathers.





Kundalini Bodywork


Kundalini energy is a vital, divine, healing energy contained within each and every one of us. Once the energetic body is activated and awakened, our Kundalini life force energy initiates a rise of energy that clears the chakras and raises consciousness, bringing potent insights and opportunities for evolution and transformation.

Kundalini Bodywork is a holistic, integrative therapy which enables us to start to liberate trauma and dense chi stored in the body, which also helps us to strengthen and develop our energetic body, intuitive senses and Higher Consciousness.

For this retreat, we will come together as women to shake, dance, breathe and connect with our sacred life force. With special tools rooted in ancient technology and supported by modern tools and psychology, you will be guided through practices which support you in personal healing and awakening to maintain, increase and activate your Kundalini energy.

You are invited to work with a specific intention, thinking about something you’d like to release and transform and then, once activated the journey calls for deep surrendering. Surrendering to your own feminine power and divinity as your Serpent Goddess energy weaves through your physical, energetic and spiritual body giving rise to profound liberation.



Photo taken by @theferalwonder during Voice of the Womb Retreat

 Flowers of the Womb


Flowers are the sexual organs of plants, and so are powerful allies when it comes to tending both the physical and spiritual essence of female reproductive organs.

The plants we work with during Serpent Goddess Rising - are specifically chosen to heal and balance the feminine heart, womb & spirit - so we may feel more empowered in our sexuality, connected to Earth & our essence as we call in and manifest our sacred dream - the highest vision we have for our life.



Plants include:

Cacao, Rose & Blue Lotus




In the ancient cultures of the Americas, Cacao is seen as a gift to humans from the gods. Many believe before Cacao even came to the Mayans, it began it’s journey here - in the heart of the Amazon rainforest. Theobromine Cacao contains more than 333 bio-active compounds which work upon the biochemistry of the body to reduce blood pressure and stress - whilst promoting the production of beneficial neurotransmitters such as serotonin and anandamide (the 'Happiness Hormone'and 'Bliss Molecule'). This is a medicine of the heart, which we will work with to feel the interconnection between each other, and the jungle.




As the highest vibrational flower, Rose carries the most potent frequency for us to embody love, and develop deep compassion for ourselves. Together with Cacao, Rose initiates us into the path of love -  how to be present and in a state of balance in a world which is so fragmented. To love in these times is a courageous act, and so needed for our collective freedom as it is through compassion, that we can transform.




As a gentle psychoactive plant, Blue Lotus has been used for millennia for awakening our senses to the inner realms of spirit. It’s also a natural aphrodisiac, which combined with it’s psychoactive properties - allow for embodied creation - manifesting from our soul and sensuality. Other properties include supporting sleep and reducing anxiety, whilst inducing lucid dreaming. Blue Lotus is our ally in visioning and embodying through the womb our highest vision for our lives.









An oasis of tranquility to enjoy the magical jungle and the healing and sacred waters of a private cenote, in the comfort of a villa, surrounded by a collection of Mexican art.

Live and breathe in the heart of the Mayan world, close to the beaches of the Riviera and the main Mayan archaeological sites.

There is a choice of shared or private rooms, in different size villas and cabañas ~ each with a touch of eco-luxury and often own living and cooking spaces, plus swimming pools. So there is plenty of space, time and comfort to restore & relax in-between ceremonies, excursions and workshops.

When booking, please ensure you state if you are opting for a shared space ~ if you have a friend that you would like to join you there.


This may be for you if…


  • You are ready to disconnect  from life as you know it, and go to a place where communion with nature, the elements, the earth, the plants and the spirits of the land is inevitable.


  • You are at a point of transition, moving from the known to the unknown. You are in a process of becoming. Ready to birth new ideas, new projects, new perspectives.


  • You are on a journey of Maiden to Mother or Mother to Crone, ready to transform from your youthful years to the wild, flowering scarlet woman - and the wise elder and keeper of the mysteries of life.


  • You wish to  improve your fertility, or are desiring to step into the next iteration of life, whether that is calling in a baby, a new lover or a project blossoming from the fertile space of your womb.


  • You are interested in Shamanic womb healing practices and embodied healing, you feel the call of the plants, the flower essences and are ready to ignite your wild, raw and authentic nature


  • You desire to align your values, your creativity and sensuality with the way you live your life - you are ready to make bold changes to set your dreams in motion and to welcome a new phase of life in tune with nature, your inner power and pleasure.


  • You are ready to lay to rest old patterns and paradigms that disconnect you from the flowing rhythms of your primal feminine essence, and Mother Nature - calling in your authetic voice & expression as a conduit of Earth & Divine Wisdom.



Getting Here


We will send a detailed PDF of how to get to Cenote Balam-Ha.

You will need to fly to Cancun, Mexico - then you will be brought directly to the centre from the airport by private transfer.

We recommend arriving some days before, and giving yourself some days after to transition and rest on both sides of the retreat and travel, so there will be the option for another meeting point in Quintana Roo (the Mayan Riviera) and be picked up from there.




Price includes:


  • 7 days  & 6 Nights of Accommodation & 3 Meals a Day at Cenote Balam-Ha
  • Workshops, Rituals & Ceremonies - guided by Harley Rose & Bryony Rose  ~ plus guest teachers from Mexico
  • All trips & excursions - including to the archaeological ruins of Chichen Itza,
  • Private Transport from Cancun Airport to Cenote Balam-Ha

Prices vary depending on when you decide to book.


$1720 / £1300 (SINGLE) ~ $1920/£1450 (DOUBLE) - First 2 Sign Ups



$1850 / £1400 (SINGLE) ~ $2050/£1550 (DOUBLE) - until December 21st (SOLSTICE)



$2120 / £1600 (SINGLE) ~ $2320/£1750 (DOUBLE) - until February 1st (IMBOLC)



$2500 / £1850 (SINGLE) ~ $2700/£2000 (DOUBLE) - until March 21st (SPRING EQUINOX)




Does not include:


  • Optional excursion to the Sacred Isle of Cozumel ~ the island of the Midwives & Ixchel
  • Flights to/from Mexico





Your Guides




Bryony Rose


Website:  bryonyrose.love 

Instagram:  @bryonyrose.love

She is a facilitator at both Psychedelic Society and True Nature.


Harley Rose




Website:  www.harleyrosehealing.com 

Instagram:  @harley.rose.healing

Photo Taken by @theferalwonder at Voice of the Womb Retreat

Who is this immersion for? Is this the right space for you?

This is a place for authentic connection, deep listening and community. You will be invited to explore content such as sexuality and emotions, so it is important for our own integrity and welfare of those attending that we share these points for you to be sure that this space is suitable for you.

Our intention is to offer work that is inclusive, however through our own practices of listening, learning and unlearning - we have decided that this space is specifically for female-embodied beings aka those with Yoni's and Womb's (whether or not still physically present) - which includes non-binary and gender fluid folk. 

Our reasons for this is that some of the content is very specific to the female anatomy - we will be speaking of the Womb, the Yoni and other aspects of the female body. We also recognise that we do not have the experience required to hold space safely beyond this within this setting, and want all of those that attend feel held and acknowledged. So the most responsible decision we can make is to recognise our limitations, as this offers a much a safer and authentic space for everyone. We are passionate about continuing to learn and grow in this.

We also want you to note that while this work may have therapeutic benefits, this is not therapy or a replacement for therapy. If you are experiencing significant mental health challenges we strongly encourage you to seek 1-1 support from a qualified psychotherapist

Some of the content shared by participants in sharing circles may be triggering or traumatic in nature. This immersion is designed to create a space for us to be open and honest with each other about our experiences, as we explore some new and unchartered territory. Sharing and listening is an important aspect of this, and can support the process of transformation, and simply being.

While we do our best to create an environment that feels safe and inclusive, it is your responsibility to look after your own needs and boundaries. If this is something you struggle with, or you are concerned about any element of this retreat please contact us in advance. We are very willing to chat on the phone and check in about whether this retreat is right for you at this time.



Practical Info


For enquiries please email Bryony at: womb.nectar@gmail.com

Websites: bryonyrose.love

Instagram: bryonyrose.love



REFUNDS POLICY: Please note, we do not arrange refunds or exchanges. 

ACCESS:  We do our best to include everyone in our events, regardless of health circumstances. If you have access requirements please email Bryony directly to discuss. 

Select tickets

EARLY BIRD ~ Shared £1,300
2 left
Only available to the first 2 sign ups
EARLY BIRD ~ Private £1,450
2 left
Only available to the first 2 sign ups
SUNSET ROSE ~ Shared £1,850
3 left
Available until Spring Equinox ~ March 22nd 2025
SUNSET ROSE ~ Private £2,000
3 left
Available until Spring Equinox ~ March 22nd 2025
Early Bird ~ Get in touch to discuss payment plan options and your chosen space
Add a donation to Bryony Rose

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By proceeding you agree to Dandelion's terms and conditions and understand this event is organised by Bryony Rose, who takes financial and legal responsibility for the event.

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