Shaiva Tantra Meditation Gathering

yoga nidra advaita zen relaxation kali tantra meditation personal growth kriya shiva devamurti
Hosted by The Heart of Tantra - Yoga School
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Tantra Sadhana 🔱

Shaiva Tantra is a non-dual spiritual lineage with origins in the Kashmir region of Northern India. The wisdom teachings and practical applications found in the original tantric texts, combined with the additions and refinements made by lineages of spiritual masters over the ages has left us with a powerful internal form of yoga. The practices include visualisation, mantra, deity work and yogas for purifying, activating or releasing aspects of the body’s subtle anatomy - such as chakras (energy centres), nadis (energy pathways) and granthis (energetic knots).

Entwined with these prana focussed yogas is a non-dual perspective which is the bedrock of all practice.

With non-duality as our intuitive or embodied understanding, or at least as our hypothesis, we approach the practice.

Through meditative self-inquiry we investigate our essential nature beyond form, we explore the nature of Self and reality and our place as humans within that.

Why Meditate? 📿

The benefits of regular meditation are far reaching and profound. Mindfulness helps cultivate greater mental clarity. The breath and energy practices regulate our nervous systems and the meditative self inquiry opens us to the possibility that what we ultimately are is more profound, more vast and more sacred than we habitually imagine.

Practicals 🛠️

The class is 1 hour and 15 minutes:

We will begin with a 40 minute meditation practice with periods of both guidance and silence. 
We follow this with some gentle movement and breathing practices. 
We then end with another short guided / silent meditation.

*Please bring your own meditation cushion and mat if you have them. 
If you require a chair please let me know and I can arrange it.

The introductory price is £5. Please contact me for payment details and I can give your the full address and save you a place.

The venue is in a hamlet called Dainton just ten minute drive north of Totnes towards Newton Abbot. 
Please contact me for payment information and for the full address and directions. 
*Parking is very limited so please lift share where possible.

Deva 🙏



*If you would like to continue your journey with tantric mediation please take a look at these offering:

The 7 X 7 method

Ancient Doorways, Timeless Wisdom

Information of both courses can also be found at my website:

With thanks,

Select tickets

Concession £5
General £7
Abundant £10
Add a donation to The Heart of Tantra - Yoga School

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