Subscribe to The Psychedelic Society

Hey there,

We hope you're staying healthy and happy. As we become accustomed to online events, we're really excited to see people from all over the world engaging in our workshops and to have the opportunity to invite our international friends and allies to collaborate with us.

Coming up over the next few weeks we have talks featuring Charles Eistenstein, David Luke, Charley Morley, Jade Shaw and Darren Springer, as well as workshops and courses spanning embodiment, ritual, play, expression, deep connection and exploraion of consciousness. Read on to find out more!

The Ego of Activism, Mon 25 May: A night to speak honestly and compassionately about our blind spots as a movement, and explore new ways of being that might help us create a more effective and unifying activism.

Out of Body Screening & Discussion, Weds 3 June: Join leading academics and practitioners in an open exploration of this incredible phenomenon.

*'A mind-blowing film which might just transform your idea of what it means to be human' * Dr Jessica Bockler, Transpersonal Psychologist and director of Alef Trust.

Psychedelics In Africa: The Untold Story, Tues 19 May: Learn how psychedelics have been used for thousands of years on the African continent and how ritual can supercharge your psychedelic experience.

Mushroom Medicine: Immunity, Thurs 21 May: Dive with David Satori into the natural history and pharmacology of several medicinal mushroom species and learn the best ways to prepare them as part of your daily health practice.

New Moon Ritual, Fri 22 May: Honour the power of moon cycles for emotional clearing in this workshop combining ritual, sharing and EFT tapping.

Primordial Soup, Sat 6 June: Offer the seeds of your imagination into this collective cauldron of creativity! Through sharing and witnessing we invite the healing power of self expression.

Psychedelic Women's Circle: Five Week Online Course, starting Tues 9 June: A journey of connection, healing and empowerment exploring 5 major archetypes through a holistic practice, working with body, mind, voice, and spirit. This work will help you connect to the wisdom of your body, interrogate negative thought patterns, and co-create powerful rituals to step more fully into authenticity and freedom.

Save Noisily!

As you may heard Noisily has been postponed to 2021

Due to many costs lost in 2020, the event is in a difficult financial position. The campaign #savenoisily involves the whole Noisily Festival Family asking people to donate their purchased tickets, and even contribute to crowdfunding campaign (if you can).

We have been involved in the Mind Body Soul area for two years and believe there is nothing quite like it in the UK. It gives so much joy to those who attend!

We appreciate your support whether financial, sharing on social media or just sending good vibes.

To donate please click here
Spread the word by sharing the above campaign with the above message on social media or forwarding to your freinds and family.

Full Online Events Listing

Become a member

The purpose of the Psychedelic Society is to nurture a new culture of connection, where everyone has ample opportunities to connect with themselves, with one another, to our living planet, and to the mystery of existence. We're a not-for-profit worker co-operative aspiring to the Teal paradigm, and we rely on the generosity of people who understand the transformative potential of psychedelic/entheogenic plants, fungi and compounds.

We are incredibly grateful to everyone that has become a member over the past weeks. Your support means so much to us during these challenging times.

Become a Member and as a token of our thanks you'll receive:

Join now for as little as £5/month

With love,
Bonny & The Psychedelic Society Team