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Hi there,

Bernardo Kastrup, Adah Parris and Jules Evans are among the authors , philosophers and psychedelic scientists gathered this month to challenge our fundamental assumptions about past, present and future. We hope you can engage in the discussion, contribute your wisdom and participate in the healing we all know is possible.

In this newsletter:

Talks in June

Chasing the Present - Thus 25th June: **Françoise Bourzat and Dr Patti Levin join the post screening Q&A panel of this award winning film that explores anxiety, spirituality and plant medicine. Françoise is the author of “Consciousness Medicine” and has 35 years of fieldwork among the Mazatec people of Mexico. Patti is a former lecturer at Harvard Medical school, a senior supervisor at the Trauma Center in Boston, and currently a research scientist at the Centre for Non-symbolic Consciousness.

Psilocybin & LSD: Lessons from the 60s - Tues 16 June: Is a clinic the best place for LSD? Matthew Ingram shares research from his new book, exploring how meditation, therapy and counterculture merged with psychedelics to create the concept of wellness and the lessons to be learnt.

Navigating Spiritual Emergency - Thus 18th June: Jules Evans & Tim Read share insights from their new book, showing how spiritual emergencies can be transitions to greater maturity, flourishing and wisdom.

Psychedelic Chocolate - Tues 30th June: In Mesoamerican mythology cacao may have been used to commune with the dead, to seal contracts with the gods, and to combine with Psilocybe mushrooms at major celebrations. Discover the roots of the cacao ceremony, and its interactions with other psychoactive plants as medical herbalist Marcos Patchett shares insights from his new book "The Secret Life of Chocolate."

Profit from this event will go to support APROCAV, a co-op of 26 small indigenous Mayan producers in Guatemala.

Cyborg Shamanism: a new -ism for a new future - Tues 30 June: From ancient and indigenous wisdom to natural systems and emerging technologies, cyborg shamanism could help us to shift the wider cultural and societal narrative. This explores the power of collective intelligence and asks: what kind of ancestors do WE want to be?

Black Mental Health & Psychedelic Healing Potential - Wed 1 July: Darren Springer will share his insights on intergenerational trauma in the African diaspora, and his research into the healing potential of rites of passage and the use of entheogenic plants.

Webinars - Women in Psychedelics & Science

Consciousness Medicine - Weds 17 June: An expert on the traditional use of mushrooms, Françoise Bourzat will discuss indigenous wisdom, entheogens, and expanded states of consciousness for healing and growth, including how to prepare for and integrate psychedelic experiences.

The Healing Potential of Non-Ordinary Consciousness - Wed 15th July Veronika Gold joins us from the Polaris Insight Center in San Francisco, a clinic providing Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy treatment for depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other mental health issues, and shares her experiences in facilitating transformational journeys with MDMA and Ketamine.


Breaking the Delusion of Materialism - Starts Mon 22nd June All reality is essentially consciousness. Bernardo Kastrup has been leading the modern renaissance of this revolutionary claim and these four weeks will include the scientific, philosophical and psychological evidence. This change in your thinking may change your experience of life.

Sex Club: Closed Group - Starts Tues 30th June A collective journey in open communication. Connect with your desires, bravely confront your fears and inspire the courage to set boundaries for a rich and liberated sex life!

The Magic of Mindfullness - Starts Mon 13th July An 8 week course with Andy Hix for a small group of people who want to bring psychedelic inter-connectedness, love and joy into their every day lives.

Events for Embodiment & Connection

Become a member for 10% off all events

The purpose of the Psychedelic Society is to nurture a culture where everyone has ample opportunities to connect with themselves, one another, to our living planet, and to the mystery of existence. We're a not-for-profit worker co-operative aspiring to the Teal paradigm, and we rely on the generosity of people who understand the transformative potential of psychedelic/entheogenic plants, fungi and compounds.

We are incredibly grateful to everyone that has become a member over the past weeks. Your support means so much to us during these challenging times.

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With love,
Amir & The Psychedelic Society Team