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Hi there,

At the Psychedelic Society we’re passionate about the healing potential of psychedelic experiences and are keen to help develop the public understanding around how psychedelic substances can be used as tools to help heal trauma and create a more joyful and compassionate world. Join us tonight for a talk on Psychedelics & Black Mental Health, or later this month for a Webinar on the Healing Potential of Non-ordinary States of Consciousness.

We also recognise that drug prohibition is a form of oppression and that it has been entwined with racism throughout history. In the UK, despite using prohibited substances at the same rate as the white population, ethnic minorities are twice as likely to be arrested for possession. If you’re interested in learning more about how the Drug War unfairly impacts minorities check out the resources below:

How Harry Anslinger Started The War on Drugs | Joe Rogan & Johann Hari
How the War on Drugs Enables Police Brutality Against Black People
The Cannabis Debate: Ethnic minorities twice as likely to be arrested for possession


Black Mental Health & Psychedelic Healing Potential - Wed 1 July: Darren will share his insights on intergenerational trauma in African people in the diaspora and his research into the healing potential of rites of passage including the use of entheogenic plants.

Psychedelics, Ego Death & the Afterlife - Weds 22 July: Explore the ancient mythologies that connect the human entheogenic experience, the mythical Underworld and the ancient art of navigating the afterlife, and how they corresponds with "Ego Death".

Psychedelics in Africa: The Untold Story - Tues 11 August: Discover how psychedelics have been used for thousands of years on the African continent, and why they continue to help societies today.

Psychedelics and Religion - Tues 1 Sept: How do holy books refer to the use of psychedelics? What esoteric and occult practices do these religions contain that are connected to psychedelics? Darren Springer and Sanae Orchi will share their personal research, taking you on an exciting exploration of these questions and how they can impact your life.


The Healing Potential of Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness - Weds 15 July: Ever wondered how Out of Body Experience, Near-Death Experience, Ego-Dissolving experience and “heart-opening experiences” can support healing and self-growth? Join the psychedelic therapist, Veronika Gold, as she discusses the healing properties of Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness (NOSC), and share her experiences in facilitating transformational journeys with MDMA and Ketamine.

The Psychedelic Experience Demystified - Thurs 6 August: Marta Kaczmarczyk will share her knowledge of the science behind psychedelic experiences, helping you to understand what is going on in your body when you're tripping.


Mindful Magic - 8 Week Course starting Mon 13 July: This course will teach you simple, fun and effortless practices that will take your life satisfaction to the next level. The sessions will include various forms of meditation and will draw on Big Mind - a modern technique from Zen Buddhism that allows you to switch between different aspects of the self, including transcendent states of consciousness.

The Body Knows: A Four Week Online Course starting Thurs 30 July: Learn to listen to the innate wisdom of your body. Through verbal, non verbal, somatic and physical embodiment practices you will tap into your body's natural urges, desires, fears and creativity to increase sensitivity, emotional awareness and confidence.

Sex Club: Closed Group - A Four Week Online Course starting Tues 4 August: With the lockdown easing off our sex lives might become more active and varied again, woohoo! If we have sex or not, the relationship to, and conditioning and experience of our sexuality affects all of us. In this course you will be guided to explore your desires, boundaries, insecurities and pleasures.

Full Events Listing

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The purpose of the Psychedelic Society is to nurture a culture where everyone has ample opportunities to connect with themselves, one another, to our living planet, and to the mystery of existence. We're a not-for-profit worker co-operative aspiring to the Teal paradigm, and we rely on the generosity of people who understand the transformative potential of psychedelic/entheogenic plants, fungi and compounds.

We are incredibly grateful to everyone that has become a member over the past weeks. Your support means so much to us during these challenging times.

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With love,
Bonny & The Psychedelic Society Team