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Hi there,

We're excited to announce that we are collaborating with several incredible artists who expand the meaning and beauty of psychedelic art - their work is now available on t-shirts in our online store. Each purchase supports the artist, our movement and public understanding of what 'psychedelic' can mean, with or without substances.

Featured here you can see 'Dive in' by Dontthinkgo & 'Together' by Tereza Bird. If you are an artist who is pushing past the current paradigm of psychedelic art, and would like your work to be considered, then feel free to get in touch:


Entangled Life, Weds 9 Sept: Join us for a discussion on how fungi make our worlds, change our minds and shape our futures! With Merlin Sheldrake, Darren Springer and David Satori

Beyond Peak Experiences, Thurs 10 Sept: Two pioneers of European psilocybin retreats - Stefana Bosse and Ciara Sherlock - will discuss weaving the Western clinical approach with ancient shamanic traditions and integrating the spiritual, the psychological, and the material.

Psychedelics & Religion, Tues 1st Sept: How do holy books refer to the use of psychedelics? What esoteric and occult practices do these religions contain that are connected to them? Darren Springer and Sanae Orchi will share their personal research, taking you on an exciting exploration of these questions and how they can impact your life today.

Black Mental Health & Psychedelic Healing Potential, Weds 16 Sept: Darren Springer will explore how rites of passage, including the use of entheogenic plants can be used to help heal intergenerational trauma African people in the diaspora.

Empowered Talks Series: The Art of Disclosure, Mon 28 Sept: Emerald May and Kell Mara discuss the art of disclosing sexual health issues in order to support intimacy that is honest, respectful and and honourable of both parties.

The Secret Drugs of Buddhism, Tue 29th Sept: Mike Crowley will share his 50 years of research into how psychedelic plants and fungi were used in medieval Buddhism and how this knowledge inspires his practice today.

Rethinking White Supremacy & Cultural Appropriation, Thurs 8th Oct: Bayo Akomolafe brings new ways of understanding from indigenous wisdom that invite us into a deep unlearning and more expansive political frame. In conversation with Ronan Harrington, he will share what it might mean to rethink white supremacy and cultural appropriation in ways that can guide us out of the trauma of the culture wars.


Native Plants & Emotional Plant Medicines - Four Week Course with The Seed Sistas, starting Thurs 17 Sept: A deep dive into the medicinal use of plants and herbs to support wellbeing, connection, ritual and magic.

Doors of Perception: Online Six Week Immersion, starting Mon 21st Sept: In a series of deceptively simple experiments and awareness exercises, you may discover fundamental truths about your experience - an experience that is both thrilling and liberating.

The Body Knows: A Four Week Somatic Exploration, starting Weds 30 Sept: Cultivate a deep and powerful relationship with yourself and the natural world,  through listening to the innate wisdom of your body.

Beyond the Body: Four Week Online Course Inducing Out of Body Experiences, starting Sun 4 Oct: Learn how to self-induce, navigate and integrate an out of body experience (OBE).

Sex Club Five Week Course - Truth, Love, Sex, Orgasms & Beyond, starting Tues 6 Oct: Further your sexual liberation and increase your presence, confidence and playfulness as lovers in the second edition of our incredibly popular Sex Club Course. ★★★★★ I would recommend this course to all. It created a real positive shift in me both sexually and emotionally. - Sam H.

Womxn's Work

The next two months are loaded with juicy offerings to supercharge the sisterhood...

Womb Alchemy: 6 Week Course, starting Thu 17th Sep: Reclaiming your sovereignty through a shamanic journey into the womb. Bryony brings her wisdom in womb yoga, myth and alchemical meditation to offer profound tools for clearing and healing the womb, and connecting to your creative life force energy.

Womxn's Circle Facilitation Training: 3 Month Online Programme, starting Fri 2nd Oct 2020: A journey to empowerment. If you're ready to step up, and drop your stories of smallness, this training calls out to the hearts of womxn who wish to lead transformative spaces in a holistic and authentic way. Learning techniques across the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual realms, you'll be practicing as you go within a peer support community.

Awakening the Wild Woman - Weekend Retreat, Fri 16th - Mon 19th Oct 2020: Awaken your wild self of boundless creative expression, and rest in the belonging of sisterhood at this weekend on Brimpts Farm, Dartmoor. If you have been yearning for the beating hearts of kindred souls, the smell of rivers and fires, dancing under an open sky, and the freedom to express all parts of your being, then this retreat is for you.

Community Events

Nationwide Video Call, Thurs 17 Sept: Every new moon, we host simultaneous, nationwide videocalls for the 11 UK regions - the perfect opportunity to get to know other Psychedelic Society supporters near you.

Psychedelic News Review, Weds 7 Oct: A regular free, members-only event, in which Psychedelic Society founder and co-director Stephen Reid leads discussion on the recent exciting new developments in the world of psychedelics.

Alalaho Retreats - Bookings Open

We are thrilled to announce that from October 2020 Alalaho will open their doors again to invite you on a psilocybin-assisted journey. Until the full Alalaho website launches in autumn, you can book your tickets via the Experience Retreats website, where you can also find the full list of upcoming dates, the Covid-19 safety protocol, and send in your application.

Alalaho is a new, independent organisation that will evolve the work of the Experience Retreats, offering more breadth and depth.


Full Events Listing


Become a member for 10% off all events

The purpose of the Psychedelic Society is to nurture a culture where everyone has ample opportunities to connect with themselves,  one another, to our living planet, and to the mystery of existence. We're a not-for-profit worker co-operative aspiring to the Teal paradigm, and we rely on the generosity of people who understand the transformative potential of psychedelic/entheogenic plants, fungi and compounds.

Become a Member and as a token of our thanks you'll receive:

  Join now for as little as £5/month

With love,
Bonny & The Psychedelic Society Team