Subscribe to The Psychedelic Society

Hi there,

One of the hallmarks of psychedelic experiences is a feeling of heightened connectedness. What would a society that honoured this deep interconnectedness look like? And can we - through engaging in practises of connection - create a healthier, happier (more psychedelic) society?

Our events programme offers you the opportunity to connect to yourself through deep enquiry and embodied healing, to others through dialogue and authentic expression and to the natural world through plant medicine and mushroom cultivation. 

This month you can rethink cultural appropriation with Bayo Akomolafe, Re-wild your body with Dani Tonks and re-frame your understanding of reality with Richard Lang or Bernardo Kastrup.

In this newsletter:

Technology & Social Change

Rethinking White Supremacy & Cultural Appropriation, Thurs 8th Oct: Bayo Akomolafe brings new ways of understanding from indigenous wisdom that invite us into a deep unlearning and more expansive political frame. In conversation with Ronan Harrington, he will share what it might mean to rethink white supremacy and cultural appropriation in ways that can guide us out of the trauma of the culture wars.

Intro to Cyrpto & DeFi, 4 week course starting Thurs 5 Nov: Join Psychedelic Society founder and creator of the platform, Stephen Reid for a deep dive into the world of cryptocurrency and decentralised finance (DeFi).

Black Mental Health & Psychedelic Healing Potential, Tues 27 Oct: Darren Springer will explore how rites of passage, including the use of entheogenic plants can be used to help heal intergenerational trauma African people in the diaspora.

Intimacy, Identity & Connection

Metamodern Masculinity, 6 week course starting 14 Oct: Delve into wisdom traditions, myth and modern psychology to experience a new masculinity that transcends and includes the story of manhood we've inherited.

Empowered Talk Series: The Art of Holding Space, Mon 26th Oct: Learn the art of holding space during safer s/ex conversations, with particular focus on receiving someone's positive STI status.

Sex Club Course II - Truth, Love, Sex, Orgasms & Beyond, starting Tues 17th Nov: A journey to explore and develop your presence, confidence and playfulness as lovers.

★★★★★ Such an enlightening course. The space was held beautifully by Juliane and Conor allowing a group of strangers to feel safe to share their vulnerability, deepest thoughts and show such tenderness and support for each other... Liberating! - Sophie C.

Embodied Healing

Emotion Release, Thu 8 Oct: Explore an array of deep trauma shifting practices to allow you to safely release unexpressed emotions and unconscious energies that have become stored in your body.

Self Love, Thurs 15th Oct: Work with neuro-linguistic programming, visualisation, meditation, journaling and breath to rewire your, reconnect to your heart and realign your inner world.

Rewilding Our Bodies, Sun 18th Oct: A journey to discover your 'bodymind', drawing on movement meditation, clowning, yoga, ecstatic dance, somatic experiencing, contact improvisation and most importantly, our own inspiration and intuition!

Wild Play Lab, Sun 25th Oct: Using play, creative meditation and improvisation we will regress to the primal self - the one that crawls, climbs, and is innately curious about the world. The primal self is in tune with what is all around and within them, and it is our journey to rediscover it and welcome it back home.

New Moon Workshop, Sat 17 Oct: Access the dynamic wisdom and creative desires in your body and attune to the energy of the new moon - a time of renewal and beginnings.

Oneness Medicine, Thu 29th Oct: We are at perhaps the ripest time in all of history to begin stepping out of the illusion of duality and separation and into the seat of the self - in connection with all that is. Working with dance, stillness, meditation and sound, we'll come together to let go of our separateness and guide each other home.

Cacao Consciousness - A 6 Week Journey from Head to Heart, starting Mon 2nd Nov: A transformative journey combining the liberating power of ceremonial grade cacao, Buddhist philosophy, channeled meditations, astrology, shamanic perspectives, practical life tips, tarot, sharing circles and journaling.

Psychedelic Ecology

Shroomshop, Thu 22nd Oct: Explore various techniques for growing gourmet and medicinal mushrooms such as Oyster, Reishi, Shiitake in this intro to mushroom cultivation.

MykoTek - The Art & Science of Mycelium Cultivation, Tue 3rd Nov: Join Sam Gandy to learn a simple and effective technique for producing mycelium.

Psychedelic Medicine

Psychedelics, The Brain & Consciousness, Mon 19th Oct: Join leading DMT researcher Chris Timmermann for a discussion on the fascinating possibilities that psychedelics hold for transforming the human brain, mind and how we relate to the world.

Therapy with Substance, Thurs 5th Nov: Join pioneering psychotherapist, author, and legend Friederike Meckel Fischer for a discussion on the practise and healing effects of psychedelic assisted psychotherapy.

Consciousness & Spirituality

Breaking Open - Navigating Spiritual Emergency, Tues 13th Oct: Jules Evans, Louisa Tomlinson and Sean Blackwell will explore how to harness challenging experiences to our sense of reality so as to arrive at health and greater wholeness.

Psychedelics, Ego Death & The Afterlife, Thurs 29th Oct: Darren Springer will explore the ancient mythologies that connect the human entheogenic experience, the mythical Underworld and the ancient art of navigating the afterlife, and explain how they correspond to the experience of "Ego Death".

Mindful Magic - 8 Week course, starting Mon 19 Oct: Learn simple, fun and effortless practices that will take your life satisfaction to the next level.

Headless Way, Sun 8th Nov: Notice fundamental truths about your experience through a series of deceptively simple experiments and awareness exercises.

Bernardo Kastrop: A 4 week Exploration in Mind, starting on Tue 10th Nov: Take a deep dive into the implications, ramifications and incredible insights that emerge from the revolutionary idea that 'everything is consciousness.'

Membership & Community

Psychedelic News Review, Weds 7 Oct: A regular free, members-only event, in which Psychedelic Society founder and co-director Stephen Reid leads discussion on the recent exciting new developments in the world of psychedelics.

Nationwide Video Call, Fri 16 Oct: Every new moon, we host simultaneous, nationwide videocalls for the 11 UK regions - the perfect opportunity to get to know other Psychedelic Society supporters near you.

Alalaho Retreats

The Experience Retreats have officially transitioned into Alalaho.

Follow their invitation into a way of life; a way of life that uses psychedelic medicines as part of an integrative approach to mental, physical and spiritual health. Read more about Alalaho on their website and follow their Instagram, Facebook and Twitter

Alalaho is now a separate organization with their own membership program. To find out more sign up to their newsletter to learn about their new membership programme.


Become a member for 10% off all events

The purpose of the Psychedelic Society is to nurture a culture where everyone has ample opportunities to connect with themselves,  one another, to our living planet, and to the mystery of existence. We're a not-for-profit worker co-operative aspiring to the Teal paradigm, and we rely on the generosity of people who understand the transformative potential of psychedelic/entheogenic plants, fungi and compounds.

Become a Member and as a token of our thanks you'll receive:

  Join now for as little as £5/month

With love,
Bonny & The Psychedelic Society Team