The Psychedelic Society is pleased to be partnering with the Synthesis Institute on this no-charge event for people interested in working with psychedelics
Hi there,
We know that many of you are working to actively alleviate the suffering of others and to facilitate meaningful breakthroughs that allow people to live more fully and freely.
Some of you walk with people through the end of their life or help them to navigate grief or loss, like a devastating diagnosis.
Some of you work to help people break free from the tenacious grip of addiction, to ease their crippling anxiety, or to alleviate their unrelenting depression.
Some of you work with trauma and recognise the "lock" a traumatic experience from the past often has on a person's present.
And despite how important and meaningful your work is, you've likely felt deeply frustrated that you haven't always been able to facilitate the healing and breakthroughs those you work closely with so desperately need.
The truth is, the current therapeutic model too often falls short, and the resulting frustration and disappointment leads many practitioners to wonder if their efforts are having enough impact.
What would it mean to you if you could reliably facilitate more meaningful and impactful breakthroughs for yourself and others?
The Synthesis Institute is a global leader of the modern psychedelic movement, advancing scientific research, training and education to promote safe, legal psychedelic experiences for integrative healing and expansion.
Like you, the team at The Synthesis Institute is committed to giving people more expansion, reduced contraction and the meaningful breakthroughs they need and deserve.
They know (and studies suggest) that's what the psychedelic experience when paired with psychological support can offer — a window of opportunity for life-changing insight into the psychological or emotional issues underlying a person's suffering — often resulting in rapid, profound and sustained changes in mood, behaviour, cognition and consciousness.
When practiced safely, according to well-established best practices, psychedelics have the potential to revolutionise well-being and the treatment of mental health.
But because of decades of stigma, misunderstanding and limited access, many therapists and practitioners are underprepared to guide clients—not only during, but also before and after a psychedelic experience.
That's why this Wednesday, 14th October at 5pm UK time, Synthesis is hosting a no-charge online psychedelic expert forum Guiding the Unbound Mind: What Every Practitioner Must Know About Working with Psychedelics featuring former Imperial College of London Lead Psychedelic Researcher and Clinical Director of The Synthesis Institute, Dr. Rosalind Watts, co-founder of Guild of Guides Netherlands and our own Lead Facilitator, Daan Keiman, along with moderator, Ashleigh Murphy-Beiner, Director of Health Screening at The Synthesis Institute.
From their unique vantage point of having legally done this work in volume, they'll share best practices for guiding people through the optimal client path—from education to application to screening to preparation to container to ceremony to integration.
They'll also debunk common myths, reveal little-known truths and unpack often-overlooked fundamentals about working with psychedelics.
If you're curious about a professional path that includes facilitating psychedelic experiences inside a therapeutic model or supporting the preparation and integration of psychedelic experiences for clients, you're invited to join this important conversation.
There's no charge to register or participate. Get all the details and secure your spot.
Best wishes,
The Psychedelic Society