Subscribe to The Psychedelic Society

Hi there,

As we move through February, there is a sense that what was frozen - in both nature and culture - is thawing, and the promise of flow and fresh possibilities are beginning to emerge.

Give yourself a new lease of life by joining one of our incredible learning journeys...
-   Awaken the Poet, Artist, Dancer and Singer inside!
-   Reclaim your sensuality and fall deeper in love with yourself.
-   Renew your vitality through Wim Hoff breathwork.
-   Revolutionise your lifestyle by re-defining your relationship to screens. 
Our Farewell to Screen Addictions course was reviewed by the Metro this week - check it out.

We're proud to be commissioning original content on the psychedelic experience and the nature of consciousness. Check out this article from Jules Evans exploring the question - Do psychedelics always make you liberal? And the latest episode of the Adventures in Awareness Podcast - part 2 of Amir's discussion with Daniel Ingram on the perception of "No-Self".

Creativity & Ritual

Creative practises are restorative and life-affirming. Expression - whether through words, sounds, movement or image-making - is a powerful healing tool as it instigates a flow from inside to outside, helping us to process and release what we are holding.  And movement is crucial for good health. Stuckness - whether physical, emotional or mental - leads to discomfort and disease. That's why it's important to be in tune with the rhythms of our existence - the tides of our emotions and the patterns of our thinking; as well as the cycles of our body, the earth and the cosmos. These workshops are all about creative renewal - through ritual and artistic practise. 

Psychedelic Science & Culture

How can we avoid the mistakes of previous psychedelic cultures? A good start is with awareness, and questioning prevalent myths; In his article Do psychedelics always make you liberal? Jules Evans surveys the historical evidence, from Capitol Hill riots to ancient Meso-American civilisations. Explore the topic with us at our event The Cosmic Right: The Overlap Between Psychedelics and Varieties of Right-Wing Politics with Jules Evans

Consciousness & Spirituality

Embark upon a journey of self discovery, extend your senses and expand your conception of reality through these profound journeys.

In the latest episode of the Adventure in Awareness podcast, Daniel Ingram dives into how perceiving "No-Self" relates to self narrative thought, self consciousness, body awareness and more.

Intimacy, Identity & Connection

Nurture connection and find new friends, new lovers and a new capacity for self-love and self-pleasure in one of these intimate online spaces.


What better time to learn the art of indoor mushroom cultivation than in lockdown? We've created a variety of programmes for all levels - from one-off workshops to courses and an online masterclass.

Technology & Social Change

Love it or loathe it, we have to learn to live with it - technology is now an inescapable part of life, so make it work for you! Find harmony in the digital world by learning lifestyle tools to manage screen addiction. Find fortune in the digital world through understanding cryptocurrency and decentralised finance (DeFi).

Embodied Wellbeing

These workshops are all about tuning into your body so you can experience it as a source of joy and love...

The Psychedelic Renaissance

Our partners, The Psychedelic Renaissance, explore all aspects of the psychedelic field; bridging the gap between scientific and spiritual approaches. Their documentary features Dr Ben Sessa, the lead researcher on the MDMA Assisted Psychotherapy trials, who will be contributing to our upcoming Medicating Normal screening and panel. Keep up to date with the project, and find out more about Ben's ongoing work on the TPR blog.

Alalaho Retreats

The Experience Retreats have officially transitioned into Alalaho. Follow their invitation into a way of life that uses psychedelic medicines as part of an integrative approach to mental, physical and spiritual health.


Become a member for 10% off events

The purpose of the Psychedelic Society is to nurture a culture where everyone has ample opportunities to connect with themselves,  one another, to our living planet, and to the mystery of existence. We're a not-for-profit worker co-operative aspiring to the Teal paradigm, and we rely on the generosity of people who understand the transformative potential of psychedelic/entheogenic plants, fungi and compounds.

Become a Member and as a token of our thanks you'll receive:

  Join now for as little as £5/month

With love,
Bonny & The Psychedelic Society Team