Hi there,
The Psychedelic Society is seeking an experienced marketing and communications professional to help us develop and deliver a coherent communications and marketing strategy across all of our platforms.
We feel the time is ripe for our work to be received more broadly, and see the potential for The Psychedelic Society to have significant international impact. However in order to scale, we sense we need to strengthen our brand and develop a more coherent approach to our communications... which is why we need you!
This is a part time role role with flexible hours and pay and the opportunity to become a core member of Dandelion Collective, the worker co-operative behind The Psychedelic Society. The role will involve an initial review of our audiences and communication processes, the development of a marketing strategy and the ongoing management of our communications. View the full job description, including details on how to apply here.
Applications close on Sunday May 23rd. Please forward this email to anyone you think might be interested!
With excitement,
Bonny & The Psychedelic Society Team x