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‘Our own physical body possesses a wisdom which we who inhabit the body lack. We give it orders which make no sense.’ - Henry Miller

Hi there,

We tend to elevate the power of the mind in our culture, too easily and often dismissing the innate wisdom of the vessel in which it's held. But often the surest path out of our problems comes from tuning into our bodies, not our minds - like the perfect clarity that comes during the quiet moments of a run or long hike.

This recent video, The Body is Not a Machine, features developmental biologist Michael Levin introducing a revolutionary paradigm in biomedicine to metaphysicist-idealist Bernardo Kastrup - interfacing with the body as a conscious agent. What would happen if we started to dialogue with our body rather than ‘making’ it do things? (Catch the next discussion between them on Dec 22).

Ultimately, the goal is not to favour one aspect of the self - mind, body, or soul - over another but to recognise their inherent interconnectedness and strive for unity between all three. 

This week's events focus on practices that help us do that. Dance, breathwork and tension release can all be powerful tools for bypassing the left-brain analytical mind and offering access to deeper parts of the psyche, and ultimately - wholeness.

Community, Leadership, & Social Change

Intimacy, Identity, and Connection

Nature Connection

Adventures in Awareness

Psychedelic Science & Culture

Ceremony & Ritual

Join our community of members!

We fund our work in integration, education and harm reduction primarily through our membership program.

By becoming a member of The Psychedelic Society community, you get access to exclusive members-only events like the ones above, a discount on events, and support the development of this alternative cultural space. Membership starts from just £5/month!

With love & appreciation, 
Lauren & The Psychedelic Society team