Anonymous on The Psychedelic Society 10th Anniversary Celebration | Tue 10th Dec 2024, 6:02pm | |
A fabulous event with excellent organization and so many like-minded people! There wasn’t a single moment or program I didn’t enjoy—in fact, I loved all of them. I’d like to give a special shoutout to Carly B, who was everywhere and has put in so much effort to hold the space and ensure everything ran smoothly.
Anonymous on Bristol PsySocial - Psychedelic Tradition in the Modern Age: Nature, Indigeneity & Reciprocity | Tue 10th Dec 2024, 4:01am | |
Anthony B. on The Psychedelic Society 10th Anniversary Celebration | Fri 6th Dec 2024, 7:48pm | |
Fantastic day very well organised lots of fun lots of connection with like-minded people had an amazing journey. Thank you for the great event.
Jason S. on The Psychedelic Society 10th Anniversary Celebration | Wed 4th Dec 2024, 10:20am | |
Great event, loved the music, sound bath, and the talks on psychedelics. The venue was excellent, very comfortable seating, great cappuccino at the bar.
Anonymous on The Psychedelic Society 10th Anniversary Celebration | Wed 4th Dec 2024, 7:18am | |
Lina J. on Psychedelics & Social Justice | Tue 3rd Dec 2024, 2:27pm | |
Anonymous on The Psychedelic Society 10th Anniversary Celebration | Tue 3rd Dec 2024, 11:17am | |
Fabulous event (only attended the evening but it was much needed and food for my soul)
Anonymous on The Psychedelic Society 10th Anniversary Celebration | Tue 3rd Dec 2024, 6:08am | |
John Somerville on The Psychedelic Society 10th Anniversary Celebration | Mon 2nd Dec 2024, 6:29pm | |
Brendan Law on The Psychedelic Society 10th Anniversary Celebration | Mon 2nd Dec 2024, 2:52pm | |
The music and vibe curated for the 1st DJ set was outstanding.