Mini Lev2: Birth Into Being with a plant - reality check · Dandelion

Mini Lev2: Birth Into Being with a plant - reality check

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what lens are looking through to live your life, interact with others and form opinions. widen your lens and horizons and live a fuller life

We live our life with others through our own individual filters. Our formative early years’ experiences, educational and religious upbringing shape the way we see the world and interpret situations.

Therefore, we constantly interact with others through our own projections, leading us to misunderstand others, judge or blame or make the wrong assumptions on what others expect from us.

This is a useful exercise to check in with those projections, find your own cracks, and let go of living your life from these made-up assumptions, and rather than acting from what someone might want from you, start living your life aligned with your centre, acting from inside yourself, from what is good and right for you rather than from a disconnected place driven by external forces – what we think others want/expect/mean.


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