Seeing That Frees by Rob Burbea

Chapter 7: An Understanding of Mindfulness

The Role of Mindfulness

Mindfulness is acknowledged as a fundamental component in the journey towards insight and the realization of emptiness. It can lessen fabrication and expose some degree of reification, which is essential for understanding the nature of reality. Mindfulness practice may not completely eradicate reification, but it does offer an introductory level of understanding into the fabrications of the mind.

'Staying at Contact' and 'Bare Attention'

The practice of 'staying at contact' refers to the mindfulness skill of keeping attention anchored to the basic sensory experiences—a sight, a sound, a taste, etc.—not getting lost in the mental narratives that might arise from them. This cuts through the mental proliferation (papañca), which often escalates into complex stories that entangle the mind. Similarly, 'bare attention' encourages direct engagement with sensory experiences without the filter of concepts and abstractions, allowing a more immediate and less fabricated encounter with reality.

Simplifying Experience with Mindfulness

Mindfulness can simplify and reduce the complexity of experience by directing attention to less conceptual, more elementary aspects of experience. This simplification can deflate the felt intensity of experiences such as emotions, and thus offer relief from the suffering they often entail. A simpler level of focusing attention can unwind the intricacies of reactivity and reduce the creation of a 'self' embroiled in dukkha, the inherent unsatisfactoriness of experience.

Mindfulness and Emotional Awareness

Through mindfulness, a person can learn to navigate emotional landscapes more skillfully. By identifying and attending to specific emotions within the body without resorting to stories or generating further reactivity, one can unravel the fabrications that intensify suffering. Differentiating emotions or focusing specifically on the vedanā (the felt sense of pleasantness, unpleasantness, or neutrality) can further simplify the experience and contribute to its calming.

Undermining Solidification with Mindfulness

Mindfulness has the capability to reveal the fragmented nature of experiences that might seem solid and continuous. By closely observing the gaps and interruptions in sensory experiences or emotions, we can see through the mind's habit of 'joining the dots' to create a solid narrative or perception. This seeing then exposes and weakens the fabrications and allows a more direct encounter with the transient nature of experiences, which can be liberating.

Conclusions on Mindfulness

The chapter concludes by reemphasizing mindfulness as a mode of attention that fabricates less than our usual modes by not engaging in the habitual processes of papañca and by attending to experiences in a simpler way. Through mindfulness practices, one can both see through certain levels of abstraction and avoid engaging in perceptions and processes that fabricate as much. Mindfulness is recognized not as seeing things 'as they are', but as a skillful means that reduces the construction of additional mental layers over reality. This lessening of fabrication is crucial for progressing towards deeper insight.

Mindfulness, while it might initially lead to an increased enjoyment of experiences like eating, or expose the 'gaps' in experiences we prefer to avoid, ultimately directs us to recognize the emptiness of our generalizations and abstractions by disrupting the automatic generation of a solid, continuous narrative. Thus mindfulness becomes an inquiry into the way we construct our world and a tool for dismantling the very structures that lead to suffering.