Amazonian Awakening: Ayahuasca Retreat in the Peruvian Amazon · Dandelion

Amazonian Awakening: Ayahuasca Retreat in the Peruvian Amazon

shamanic healing jungle medicine master plant shamanic medicinal plants
Hosted by Infinite Experience
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Welcome to our journey deep into the rainforest into a tropical healing paradise of shamanic teachings and plant wisdom.

This retreat is designed for those wishing to and feeling called to experience the Shamanic path. During these 9 days, you will be guided and held in ceremonies by our indigenous Maestro Don Alberto, who has over 40 years experience and training working with the Master Plants of the rainforest.

The centre is nestled between mountains, rivers and lush jungle and consists of huts and spaces dotted around the rainforest made of wood and simple materials. There is no electricity and the space is simple, but beautiful and full of nature. See the retreat centre here. 

The retreat is designed to allow you the spaciousness and stillness to go deep into your inner world, connect to spirit and to the world of the Amazonian plants, for healing, liberation and awakening.

Expect an intimate retreat, fully held by two shamans with over 40 years of experience each; and 2 facilitators with over a decade of experience each working with Amazonian master plants. Our intention for this work is deep soul level healing, awakening and a rooting into Love and connection to spirit and our soul's truth. This is a deeply held and loving space, in full integrity with the plants and ancient shamanic lineages of the rainforest. 

Retreat Overview: 

Collection from Tarapoto airport, Peru on the 12th of October; 1 night in Tarapoto hotel with delicious welcome dinner (dieta style); 7 nights in the jungle at Alberto's healing centre with Tobacco ceremony for a full energetic clearing, Amazonian bath of plants, 3 Ayahuasca ceremonies held in traditional Peruvian shamanic style and a rainforest waterfall walk with cacao ceremony; traditional shamanic egg soul reading;  1 night at a 5 star eco lodge with a pool to end your trip. 

£900 deposit to pay in order to book and  then $1050 USD to bring to the retreat in cash

In order to book, we will first need to ask you some health questions and then have a zoom call if we have not met before.

If you are medically sound to drink, you can pay the deposit and book one of the last remaining spaces. The deposit is non-refundable.


You will need to fly to Tarapoto in Peru. We will collect you on the 12th of October from the airport or the local area if you decide to come earlier. (full schedule at the end of this document)

We recommend taking a flight to Lima and then booking from Lima to Tarapoto (this is generally a cheaper option).

We do not deal with visas, flights, health insurance or anything outside of the retreat itself.


Ayahuasca is considered the master medicine of the jungle. Ayahuasca preparation is composed of 2 plants, the ayahuasca rope (Banisteriopisis Caapi) and the leaves of a tree called Chacruna. It is considered the master medicine of the jungle and all the other plants the remedies. Ayahuasca is the plant that cleanses, chakruna is the DMT active plant that gives visions.

We will gather at night in the Maloka, the circular space used for the ceremonies, and the shaman (plant doctor), Alberto will give us the medicine. After about an hour he will start chanting the icaros, the channeled sounds and music of the plants and you can feel the effects of the ayahuasca on a physical level (nausea, vomiting, cold sweat), emotional level (crying and laughing) and have visions and guidance from the plant. We are all different, and as such the medicine will work with each soul uniquely for their needs. The medicine has its own intelligence and wisdom and the most important thing is trust and letting go of expectations on how you think it should go.

Interested? Next steps.. 

Please email for the health questionnaire and to book a call. Once you have answered the health questions and we have spoken, you can pay the deposit. The deposit can be paid in instalments upon request. 

We have 2 spaces left on this intimate retreat so if you are interested, we suggest getting in touch soon. 



Full Schedule

This is the daily schedule for your time in Peru. It is subject to slight change should we need to adjust anything due to weather etc.

You will be accompanied by myself (Laura) and Martina throughout. We both each have over a decade of experience of working with these plants.

12th October: 

At anytime: Airport or local area transfer arranged via us to the hotel 12th October:

Arrival by 6pm is preferred so you can join for the welcome dinner which will be around 7pm in Tarapoto. NB you are unable to check in to your room until around 2pm but we can arrange your bags being looked after by the hotel if you arrive before this and you can either spend time in Tarapoto or the lobby of the hotel - if you arrive early and are tired we will do our best to make sure you get an earlier check-in, so please let us know your %ight times as soon as you can! The hotel is located centrally to restaurants and shops and we will give you recommendations about diet friendly places to eat should you arrive early.

7p.m. Welcome Dinner 

13th October:

Travel to Alberto’s (30 minute drive into the jungle) 

Tobacco ceremony 

Plant bath

Afternoon walk in the jungle Dinner Rest

14th of October:

From this point onwards, breakfast is at 8am, lunch 12pm and dinner at 5pm (except on ceremony days where we omit dinner) every day
1-1 sessions with Laura are from 10-11am and 2-3pm every day upon request
1-1 sessions with Alberto are every day upon request. Both included in retreat at no extra cost 

Morning: Sharing circle, meditation and movement 

7:30pm: Aya Ceremony

15th October:

Integration day: Nature time, rest, journaling, meals as usual

16th October:

Cacao ceremony and waterfall walk Meals at usual times

17th October:

Sharing circle 

Movement medicine 

7:30pm: Aya Ceremony

18th October:

Integration day: Nature time, rest, journaling, meals as usual

19th October:

Tour of the medicinal plant garden with Alberto 

7:30pm: Aya ceremony 

20th October:

8am: Breakfast
12pm: Lunch
1pm: Go to eco lodge Dinner by pool at eco lodge

21st October:

Departure transfer to the airport or local area



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