Equinox Wellbeing Fair

crafts energy healing danceworkshop light language activation healing workshops taster sessions
Hosted by Open lotus Living
Enquiries to carolinemaryandrews@hotmail.com
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Join the ever growing wellbeing community as we share our wares. Experience wellbeing healing taster sessions, find out about local complementary therapies available, or join in one of the many wellbeing talks and demonstrations offered all day long, and included in the door price. 

It’s such a joy to bring our growing community together and share our gifts and passions, from Reiki, Indian Head massage, Angelic Healing, locally made jewellery, pottery, exquisite crystals for your healing and more, there’s something for everyone. 

Enjoy refreshments provided by our friends and join the tomobolla to win one of the many prizes from our stall holders and volunteers. Door and tombolla proceeds go to Mid Powys  Mind.  

To find out more, or get involved, see openlotusliving.com, or email me at carolinemaryandrews@hotmail.com

I look forwards to seeing you soon, 

Caroline Mary