Open Day Oxford · Dandelion

Open Day Oxford

yoga transformation tantra oxford open day
Hosted by Tara Yoga Centre
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Revolutionise Your Life!

You can also get a taste of Tara in our Oxford location by joining our London Open Day on 21st September.

The ancient wisdom of Yoga and Tantra is as relevant today as it was thousands of years ago. Even in modern life, their timeless insights and practices offer endless ways to profoundly transform and elevate your life!

From learning to stay more relaxed in the challenges of life, to opening to attract more love; from feeling more at home in your body, to discovering and taking meaningful steps towards fulfilling your life’s purpose; from feeling more surplus and aliveness, to significantly improving your power of concentration and inner sense of calm

With aspiration and determination, Yoga and Tantra can teach us to be happy, loving and fulfilled, to enjoy life to the maximum from a state of health, balance and peace.

This Open Day is for those who are curious about life, and who wish to discover practical tools for transformation and growth, that will radically improve their life experience.

Join us at the Open Day to learn more about our classes and teachings, as well as to meet our teachers, team and students. You can also take advantage of our great special offers on workshops and events, only available on the day! Come along for the whole day, or just pop in for a tea and check out our beautiful Yoga Centre.

The time is right, the inner space is ready. The moment has come to revolutionise your life!

Free Event