The Rose Temple: Deeply Sensational · Dandelion

The Rose Temple: Deeply Sensational

intimacy consent eros sensual rose connection temple sensuality sensations authentic connection temple night slowing down
Hosted by Heart of the Rose
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The Rose Temple is a ceremonially held shared journey of beings desiring to connect deeply to one another through our hearts and through loving consensual touch.

Enliven our senses in the glow of the full moon. Guided through practices that open our sensual embodied experience. 
We open to the depth of pleasure, how a cherry can be your intimate lover, how without our sight heightens all other senses, exploring different textures & ways of touch as we interact with Curiosity, sensuality, freedom of expression.

This is a deeply healing transformational journey that ignites more power, courage, self-assurance and expression into your life in many ways. Our sexual expression that has been repressed is our life force, which is entwined with our creative expression which is our natural flowing expressive energy in many more ways than a paintbrush on paper. It connects us to the core of our being, the core of all nature, there is a power and mystery that unfolds that ia greater than the human mind can comprehend.

There is guided practices to introduce boundaries and consent and how to engage with one another in physical touch in a way that feels safe and wholesome, and a facilitated journey of coming into our sensual experience with ourselves and each other then when we open up into open space there is defined areas for you to flow into where you feels your needs align as much as those needs change with softer levels of

intimacy & connection or more sensually arousing touch, always with an option to connect only with yourself as much as you need to​

Why come to a Temple of Love?

- If youre craving more physical contact, more love, more connection

- Experience the complete unconditional love in a hug or to gaze deeply into the eyes, the windows of our soul, of another being and feel seen whilst seeing another with masks

- to connect deeply to others desiring connection in boundaried, safe, loving consensual touch.

- to Learn to feel into our boundaries and desires and how to express them

- Feeling into what emotions arise and moving through, healing them within a safe container

- Discover your sensual nature deeper

- Learn how to fully drop into Recieving and how to ask for what you want

- Coming fully into the pleasure of giving pleasurable touch with full loving compassion


Anya has been holding Temples in Pembrokeshire and in festivals across the UK for over a year, now extending to holding Temples in Bridgend. She has been holding workshops & retreats for 5 years, in Yoga, Breathwork, Sound Healing, Womens work and more. She is passionate about bringing people in circle to connect in deep authentic relation, creating community, love between us all within a workshop. She creates a space to feel deeply safe, grounded and regulated, she believes only from this safe regulated state can we truly recieve pleasure and love deeply. 


23 November, 5.30 - 11pm

Kenfig Nature Centre, Pyle Bridgend, CF33 4PT
A beautiful cabin in nature
Arrive for 5.30pm to begin in circle at 6pm

20 Places only - contact Anya 07443443868
Newcomers £48// Returning Temple Lovers £36 Couple/friends £80

Note: payments for returning Temple Lovers need to be paid direct to ensure you have attended before


Refund disclosure

Up till 4 weeks before event: Full refund minus 10% admin fee

Up till 2 weeks prior to event - refund is 50% or sell or give your ticket away

Less than 2 weeks - no refund, sell your ticket on or gift it on/pay it forward 

Select tickets

Newcomer Women £48
Newcomer Men £48
Couples/Friends/Lovers (2 tickets inclusive) £80
This is 2 tickets inclusive
Add a donation to Heart of the Rose

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By proceeding you agree to Dandelion's terms and conditions and understand this event is organised by Anya, who takes financial and legal responsibility for the event.