systemic constellations family constellations organisational constellations psychotherapy trauma release somatic movement trauma plant consciousness ancient temple tradition ancestral healing horses equine assisted therapy horse constellations family systemic constellations boundaries nature constellations horse art therapy spiritual awakening ibiza internal family systems somatic plant medicine ancestral grief kundalini awakening somatic events somatic experiencing constellations ancestral feminine relationships somatic exploration somatic experience dragon awakening master plant childhood trauma transpersonal psychotherapy ancestralhealing release ancestralpain psychotherapy support ancient technologies ancient technology trauma informed advanced techniques trauma healing somatic practice equine
Hosted by Harriet Goudard Family & Nature Constellations
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12th - 16th October 2024

** 2 places remain at the Early Bird rate, see below **

Join me as you step forward with LOVE for your Life’s Work - deeply supported by trust, conviction and clarity.  Here you will free yourself of loops, entanglements & circumstances that are keeping you small - and…

Let go of shame, resistance, regrets & fear, while cultivating strength, courage & fortitude in your whole system. Lean in to receive more in every facet of your life; relationships, health, finances…

Access heightened octaves of presence in your daily life, bringing a focused, more devoted & powerful intention to everything you do; in your personal & professional lives

Learn to better identify endings & beginnings; setting boundaries without fear, cultivating the compassionate witness for self & others, as well as being able to grasp new aligned opportunities as they present themselves

Develop flexibility within your nervous system capacity, coming infinitely closer to your own balance point - finding & establishing your own, unique, middle Way; between Freedom & Groundedness

Taste what it is to live in a Herd during this time together, with its powerful higher harmony that seeks to embolden and empower the individual as well as create powerful synergy within the collective

Experience Horse Wisdom first hand through the ancient practices of Shamanism, Animal Communion and Systemic Constellations, so that you can add learnings which bring a majestic, multi-dimensional ally to your toolbox.

“Mount the stallion of love & do not fear the path, love’s stallion knows the way exactly. With one leap, Love’s horse will carry you home.

— Rumi


The Archetypal Human + Horse Story

Entrainment to Horse Spirit

Metaphysical Exploration with Horse Spirit

Your Horse Constellations Journey in the Morphogenetic Field; as individual & Visionary Leader, Seer, Creative

Coalescence & Completion

“”I feel a lightness in my being which feels pretty consistent and whereas I have in the past felt a kind of vulnerability to overwhelm, right now overwhelm feels quite far off, far away, almost as if I can’t feel it in my system in the way that I might have done in the past.

That sounds like a sort of slightly odd way of describing something but I’m not saying that the sort of potential to be in overwhelm has gone by any means I suspect but it does feel like there’s a robustness in me or a resourced-ness. It feels like I feel more resourced and I feel a lightness and I feel much more aware of all my thoughts and feelings and it’s almost as if it feels like there’s very little that I’m identified with.

I’m managing to hold myself in what arises and just allowing it to arise and pass which is really helping me stay in a place of an open heart.”

— Jason, UK


Horses demonstrate how to artfully hold the tension between our wounds & our grace so that, over time, we may show up freely; energetically, spiritually, physically - medicinally - in service to others.

Horses don’t need us to tell them what to do, where to stand, or how to behave; they teach us how to fine tune our depths of vision, to listen more deeply with our hearts, to engage more openly - to be more in the present moment.

As we ride even further into our partnership with Horse, relinquish the need to lead, mount, or manipulate entirely, we give them a voice and a platform, allow them to open up.

When we cease to force an outcome and relinquish all preconceived ideas of what should happen, or what I, he, or she needs to look like, act like, or be like, we allow ourselves for a moment to be both Human and part of a greater tapestry of life.

Horses invite us into being both Human and Creator of our own reality - at the same time.

What, then, is the most we can open to the wisdom of Life that is available to us - through communing with Horse?


Horses are master code holders of the air in this multi-versal, living library of Life, just as are the cetaceans master code holders of the waters.

Embodying perfect equilibrium with the ability to flow between the form of the illustrious masculine and the formlessness of the luminous feminine, as well as being able to engage and disengage their nervous systems without holding on to any residual imprints*, they are true masters of keeping the energy alive.

This ability to weave the polarities naturally gives rise to the work of Horse Constellations (Systemic Constellations with Horses), whereby their presence helps to facilitate this dance so very accurately; bringing to light to both the inner and outer movements required for us to find the next best steps on our Path Home.

From the moment we begin working with Horses, from harmonising our Heartbeats, our emotions and dropping us into a state of deep presence, they enable us to find and create space and capacity within ourselves, or to significantly break inner ground to do this work. They help us entrain to our truest path - to develop the union mystica within.

*Provided they aren’t imprinted adversely by humans

“Harriet, thank you from the bottom of my open heart. I’ve spent most of my long life trying to achieve what I achieved under your guidance over six months - trying to find my way back to the experiences of presence I had as a child. You are quite brilliant!

— TG, London


For this very unique retreat, we are working with a very unique herd of horses. Horses that know they have a voice - and that their voices are valued and heard. Each equine Soul beautifully self-expressed.

For this retreat, we have the incredible opportunity to work with, study and learn from these six Spanish and Portuguese horses, who represent the fluidity, power and presence of the essence of Horse - along with the elements, the wild and other domestic animals that choose to show up.

This retreat is pitched at energy mastery level; ie, it is for those who are confident and capable of navigating their own energy body, taking accountability for their own processes and palpating energies of the ‘Other’ without necessarily any physical contact. This, therefore, requires a certain level of commitment to Self, clarity of field and cultivated (active) presence.

This retreat has been put together in devotion to Horse Spirit. In devotion to furthering the connection to our inner Selves. In devotion to Life Herself.

“The humble Horse reflects the depth and breadth of the Human Soul.

— Anon


Throughout lifetimes of working with horses, I have learned that the more refined we are in our conversations with them, the more the subtler aspects of ourSelves have the chance to be heard. Horses with a freedom of spirit and a soundness of mind join us willingly on our journey to Energy Mastery.

It is possible to “mirror” the herd, playing the Alpha, discovering what it feels like to lead from behind, to support, to guide with our energy field, to “ask” with our ears, our hands and our hearts. Horses are able to reflect back to us where our weaknesses are within this sandbox; they can tell us about our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual capabilities - and of course, how balanced we are; down to the most nuanced of muscles and tendons - and where we carry tension (trauma) within our bodies.

We also know that Horse can be an ally; physically and emotionally, harmonising our heart-beats to a regular pitch and calming our nervous systems, helping us to taste a more coherent and unified energy field.

Having been through my own initiatory journey with, catalysed and supported by my own horses, from childhood to present day, I guide and facilitate experiences for clients willing and ready to make the changes necessary to grow in alignment with their greater selves through the compassionate eyes of someone who has walked that path. Albeit horses embody beauty and majesty in their appearance and essence, don’t be fooled that their ability to invite us onto new creative pathways isn’t incredibly potent, powerful, present - and more often than not - deeply provocative!

Harriet x

“I would recommend this to anybody considering this work. It’s phenomenal. If you feel called to do this, Harriet provides a safe and supportive container for this work to unfold. Life changing ❤️.

— LV, Oxford


7.30am: Grand Rising & Shared Breakfast Buffet

9am: Circle & Energy Work with the Herd

10am: Morning Module

11am: Coffee Break

1pm: Shared Lunch Buffet

2pm: 121 Horse Constellations with Harriet or Afternoon Module

3pm: Natural pigment making & fine art painting with the Herd

5.30pm: Self-guided study or rest/ integration

7pm: Supper Buffet

8pm: Sunset Drumming Circle on Benirras Beach (optional)

Subject to change as necessary


5 days/ 4 nights’ beautiful accommodation

Daily guided personal Energy Work with horses

Connect with horses at liberty; learn to palpate Horse Spirit

121 Horse Constellations with Harriet

Group Horse Constellations with Harriet

Animal communication & care sessions with Rumana; deepening your connection to Horse

Shamanic Journeying, with Horse totem & ally & Horse vibrational essence (supplied & optional)

Fresh, natural, vegetarian meals (vegan upon request) & non-alcoholic beverages every day

Group dinner out in local gastronomic restaurant

Free-flow spring water, coffee & herbal teas

Cacao Visioning Ceremony; aligning to your highest intentions

Sunday night drumming at Cala Benirrás with the local commmunity (optional)

Art Workshop with local artist & using natural pigments made from the surrounding Earth

Daily sharing circles; to support & nourish

Bare-foot earthing; to sooth the nervous system & help to ground the work

Forest bathing & intentional hiking (self-guided)

Yoga classes

Optional additional night’s accommodation (dependent on availability & at additional cost)


Psychological Counselor & Personal Coach in the Art of Living & Horse Wisdom, Rumana Hossain works with her herd of 6 horses at Horse Experience Ibiza.

With a life-long love for horses, she enjoys English and Spanish Dressage in a gentle manner - motivating the horse to cooperate, training young horses, correcting problematic horses and Natural Horsemanship.

Through daily contact, cohabitation, and working with her own as well as many other wonderful horses, she has truly come to understand how diverse horses are, how individual their personalities are and how much more one can gain and learn when we are willing to accept and respond to these different personalities.

What deeply impresses her is that horses are overall gentle, generous, open-minded, helpful, forgiving and simply friendly beings that, when given space and shown respect, have a brilliant capacity to understand people.

“In all my projects, the focus is on the connection between horse and human and on recognizing the horse as an independent, free, and highly sensitive being that can give us humans so much beauty, and can equally be a good friend and teacher.

— Rumana Hossain



Ibiza’s legendary magnetism is a result of its location, geology and history - and serves to name the island as one of the top three most powerful energetic vortices on the planet. High-vibrational, Earth-acupuncture points such as these help us to root, centre and to rise up as creator beings. With a profound impact on human consciousness, meditation, or dropping into the liminal space - yet through the body - on the island never feels too challenging!

The north of Ibiza is particularly beautiful, with its free spirits, local markets, natural beauty and crystalline light and attracts a huge number of creatives from Europe and further afield. On these iron-rich, red soils (which the Phoenicians knew to hold magickal properties and to this day locals still use as talismen) between Sant Joan and Portinatx, dry stone terraces and wild herbs echo down the valley away from the sea to the north, into our partner yard and stables for this special retreat.


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For this special retreat, we have selected a very special, 400 year old Ibizencan country house with a dance studio, an outdoor workspace, a Mediterranean garden and a swimming pool, situated in the country on the northside of the island near San Miguel. The house provides single and double rooms for guests up to 10 people. Just a few kilometers from the venue (10 min. by car), you will find one of the most lovely beaches of Ibiza.


1888GBP (included in the higher tier of the 121 Mentorship and the Systemic Training container)

Not including airfare/ baggage fees, airport transfers on the first or last days/ onward travel, tips for any service providers (or the horses!), or any additional extras, such as optional additional outings, etc.

EARLY BIRD: 1555GBP  ** 2 places remain at this rate **


Alchemy of Love Horse Constellations Retreat Ibiza 2024



EARLY BIRD: Alchemy of Love Horse Constellations Retreat Ibiza 2024


“A weekend of connecting with the wisdom & healing power of horses. Horses communicate through their emotional energy, so you have to get in touch with your own emotional energy to connect with the horses. Feels like the first step on my spiritual journey with Horse, thank you, Harriet.

— Deborah, Surrey


You are familiar with or curious about the work of Family & Systemic Constellations and would like to experience the power of Horses in this context

You are truly ready for change, through leaning into your resistances and unlocking the power of more of your shadows

You would like to connect with a wider community of leaders, visionaries, creatives and guides who are also drawn to this incredible body of work - and to experience what it is to be in community with such people

You want to understand the deeper potential of your connection with Nature, Horse, the elements and the wider landscape and the part they can play in your Life - and possibly those of your clients

You are on the path of Energy Mastery


Those unwilling to be proven wrong

Those looking for a one-size fits all plan

Those wishing to stay out of body, or in the false bliss state

Those unable to self-regulate one’s nervous system after being activated (integration time is scheduled into the program)

Those unwilling to do the personal work required of themselves, or really take accountability, in order to recognise the triggers and integrate the shifts that will take place

Those who would rather be “spiritual” than Human (this is an active container, that requires you to be present and in your body)

“I am so grateful for the time you have given me on this journey called life, it is definitely the time to tap into spirituality, deepen our connection to the earth, nature and all her creatures.

— Kelly, London

”I feel a lightness in my being which feels pretty consistent and whereas I have in the past felt a kind of vulnerability to overwhelm, right now overwhelm feels quite far off, far away, almost as if I can't feel it in my system in the way that I might have done in the past.

That sounds like a sort of slightly odd way of describing something but I'm not saying that the sort of potential to be in overwhelm has gone by any means I suspect but it does feel like there's a robustness in me or a resourced-ness. It feels like I feel more resourced and I feel a lightness and I feel much more aware of all my thoughts and feelings and it's almost as if it feels like there's very little that I'm identified with.

I'm managing to hold myself in what arises and just allowing it to arise and pass which is really helping me stay in a place of an open heart.” - Jason, UK

‘Harriet, thank you from the bottom of my open heart. I've spent most of my long life trying to achieve what I achieved under your guidance over six months - trying to find my way back to the experiences of presence I had as a child. You are quite brilliant!’

- TG, London

‘I would recommend Harriet to anyone who is prepared to take a leap and allow her magic to work. Harriet is wise, empathetic and patient. She is also, guided by her beautiful values and extraordinary gifts, a voice of authority.’

- Tamsin, UK

"I really enjoyed it. I enjoyed being in a group setting online. Was unsure of how it worked, but I really enjoyed hearing others experiences - and how we mirrored each other. Big thank you.x"

- KT, Italy

"Effective release from family trauma."

- AM, India

"A sense of freedom from expectation and a release from the heaviness of carrying 'presence' inside me, rather than seeing it as being me."

- KT, Italy

"Amazing as always."

- PG, UK

"Wonderful to connect with others in that way. A warm, lovely and mystical experience. Deeply relaxing."

- TG, UK

"After the masterclass I’m definitely more aware of my relationship with the present more joyful way.

Many thanks, Harriet for being in service, giving so freely and holding space for people so beautifully.

Your work and ability to tap into the field never stops amazing me."

- Epp O’Toole, UK

‘I had a wonderful healing day with Harriet and the Yew trees. Guiding us all gently to receive answers and connections. For me I received a lot of healing and connected deeply with the yew trees which taught us in a way that words are hard to find. Our group was wonderful all bringing great gifts and I look forward to seeing everyone again. Thank you with love Harriet for a gorgeous day sharing your wisdom.’

- SH, UK

‘I found a renewed energy and sense of hope that came through starting to experience the energy and guidance of the yew trees. I have found them daunting in the past, but Harriet brought about a much deeper understanding of their wisdom and power, in me.I feel like I have a lot more to learn about them and would love to do more.’

- Lindsay, UK

‘Such a special day. It was so interesting and I thought Harriet guided and structured the day perfectly. The workshop flowed and was paced just right. Some anxieties and fear left me by the end of the day, and a few days later I am still feeling calmer and more grounded. I am still thinking through the insights and understanding I gained which is so valuable.’

- Lindsay, UK

‘Harriet is potent, effective, direct, extremely intuitive and doesn't waste time!.’

- Kaye T, Italy

‘Honestly this 3 months has been life-changing for me. Obviously I was ready for it, but you asked the exact questions that needed to be asked and your guidance was so potent and direct.’

- Kaye T, Italy

‘…Faced and transmuted shame, faced secrets that created an opening that I'd only really dreamed of. Brought me closer to my husband. The courage to share myself in public, and to be authentically me. A connection with Christ Consciousness which is opening up more within me. The birthing of new creative offerings that are aligned with my soul… Experiencing more creation in daily life… Aligning myself with my inner navigation system. I could literally go on and on! Eternally grateful.’

- Kaye T, Italy

‘I would recommend this to anybody considering this work. It's phenomenal. If you feel called to do this, Harriet provides a safe and supportive container for this work to unfold. Life changing ❤️’

- LV, UK

Thank you so much. It was potent.

- Kaye, Italy

If you are at a stage where you have tried to work through your issues but feel like there is a missing piece of the puzzle, then a session with Harriet could help. The energetic shift I felt as a result of my time with Harriet was something too big to put into words. Harriet is a calm, sensitive and clearly talented person who offers her wisdom to those who are aligned and ready to move onwards with their healing journey. Thank you - it really was a gift to connect with you 💕

- Jodie, UK

"Harriet is both gentle, and yet fearlessly brave in her facilitation of family constellation work. I found the work I did with her to be profoundly powerful and very deep; a real healing transformation and I discovered a sense of reconnection with valuable aspects of myself I had long felt separate from. She has a natural authenticity and intuitive capacity for this work. The further online constellation group really helped me integrate the compassionate contact with myself I had discovered in the day workshop as an issue holder."

—Bridget McConnell, Psychotherapist.

Takeaways... Timing wise it was very synchronistic that I became part of this group at a time when I was dealing with some health issues. Harriet's short exercises in each session were very powerful and fueled my internal resources so I was able to navigate through this challenging period with full awareness of the collective shifts taking place being reflected through my own body. I loved being able to tap into Harriet's knowledge of many different healing modalities and her capacity for throwing a different perspective on any questions that emerged. Thank you everyone for being so open about your really helped me to feel supported and take however long was needed to speak my truth.

- Valerie, Lifeforce Reclamation Yard

I recently attended the Mother Constellation Monthly workshop. I had never experienced any Family Constellation work and was blown away but the way that Harriet was able to guide me to reach deep places very quickly. I was able gain an understanding and experience my mother's love which has helped me along my path of healing my relationship with my mother.

- Hilary W, The Mother Constellation Monthly

I have been able to make significantly positive changes in my life through Systemic Family Constellation work. On several sessions I have been both: representative and issue holder, receiving great benefits in both situations. I enjoyed working with Harriet, she delivers her work with the wise humbleness that I feel this practice requires. She guided us with confidence, compassion, and skillfulness. I appreciate her way of connecting and locate the emotions-arising through the session- in the physical body to create awareness and the possibility to move that energy in a positive, transformative way. I felt safe and cared for. Thank you, Harriet!

- Pelican Finn

“My 121 work began with Harriet after I experienced a spontaneous Kundalini Awakening. That experience was very intense and I could not make sense of it. I needed help as to not implode with all the extra energy. I was getting headaches, stomach pains, bone pains... because I was so open to energies around me.

Harriet created a space that provided comfort, compassion, and a tangible essence of limitless knowledge while assisting me in the integration and discovery of my new- found energetic capabilities. She guided me into the void, to other planets and stars and most importantly, back into my body. I met my spirit guides, unlocked secrets to my chronic pain issues, and learned how to control my energy.

Harriet is an amazing healer and Shaman. I am so grateful for her help and compassion at such a vulnerable time of my life.”

— Tyler, Nurse & Therapist, Utah

“First of all, words can not tell you how much joy, hope and love you brought to me in the moment you built a bridge between us, Thank you 🙏🏼 I’m very grateful for the guidance and for your grace, you have inspired me immensely. To connect with you feels like belonging.“


"The Dragon Keepers Circle was a personal journey of discovery for me. I loved it. I learnt so much and it opened my mind and awareness more then I could have imagined at that time. I connected to my dragon spirit guide whilst on a shamanic journey & had amazing downloads when in the sacred circle. Harriet taught me so much, and it was truly an experience I will never forget. I always looked forward to our sessions as it was a beautiful family of like minded people. Truly wonderful"


“That blew me away, along with it connecting to your reading today.”


“I enrolled into Harriet’s Dragonkeepers’ Circle in hopes of understanding Dragons. What I got was an explanation and deeper comprehension to my purpose on this planet: which to me was more than I could ask for.

Harriet’s course assisted me in connecting dots, piecing a puzzle I have spent my whole life trying to piece. A year on, and her teachings still aids my removal of unnecessary worrying and that in times of trouble, I must be present. She has helped me see peace in my pain. Thank you Harriet and to those on the course with me. It was a beautiful family.”


“The Dragonkeepers circle was a profoundly transformative experience for me. It cemented my connection with my inner guidance and gave me the confidence to trust and use my power. Although I had done journeying before I had no idea about dragon energy before the circle. I felt called and so showed up. The group was supportive and fascinating. The experiences were varied and led me to a deeper understanding of my purpose.

Part way through the 6 weeks I had a Kundalini awakening supported by Christ energy which has led me to do extensive healing work with Jesus as my guide. I have downloaded various healing practices and ways of living my life. I would say it changed me and came at the perfect time. Thank you Harriet for your support and wisdom.”


“The activation and journey were just amazing for me. So glad I was there. I can’t wait for the next one.”


“Thank you - what a really, really amazing workshop. I never expected it to be such an emotional experience - and I mean that in a good way. I feel like a new person.”