Temple Arts & Practices

sacred sexuality temple space embodiment tantra relationship practices
Hosted by Temple Nights
Enquiries to shantitemplenights@gmail.com
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We welcome you to join us for Temple Arts & Practices. This is open to both 1st timers beginning their journey into sacred S*xuality temple space, and for those who have some previous experience wishing to deepen their ‘toolkit’ for temple going.

About temple spaces

Temples are sacred spaces, where consenting adults can experience, body, mind and soul connections. Held in a space of beauty, acceptance and safety, we enter into practice of devotion, to love, pleasure and sacred s*xuality. Temple space can be very magical, healing, playful and full of mystery. It is a place to meet yourself and others, as friend, lovers and partners, old and new. It can feel scary to enter such an unknown space, so we have created a day which can give you a better understanding of how to enter and navigate in a safe pleasurable way. Please come as you are, everybody is welcome in Temple.

We’ll begin with an opening circle where you’ll get to state your intentions. This will be followed by some warm up exercise in pairs and small groups, including wheel of consent practice, to embody and vocalize your ‘no’, ‘maybe’ and ‘yes’. Through exploring our boundaries we can relax and open to meeting each other honestly.

We will introduce you to the RDBSMA - a talking practice which helps us to meet each other truthfully through concious relating and respectful relating. We will guide you into some tantric meditation practices which help to ground and connect us in our bodies, opening to senses and sensuality through breath, movement and sound. We will allow the energies of s*x and heart to be present through simple practices with yourselves and others.

We will talk you through in more detail what is a temple and offer you some simple and useful ways to communicate, play, state your boundaries and navigate temple space. During the final part of the day, we’ll open the space and invite you to taste the temple experience. This is an opportunity for you to express yourself and use some of the tools that you’ve learnt in the 1st half of the day. They’ll be some guided and non-guided practice, this could include, massage, cuddling, conscious touch and kissing. Or simply being with yourself.

There will circle time for questions and sharing. The facilitators and assistants will be available throughout the day, if you need a chat or emotional support. You do not need to have experience of being in similar spaces, but a certain level of awareness, openness and willingness to explore is essential for your own self-care and also the synergy of the group.  

We invite you to come, just as you are and feel. We know that being in these environments can bring up a lot of emotions. This is a safe space to welcome them and work with them in an embodied, held and ritual temple space. The evening will be held throughout.

All genders are welcome, as are singles, friends, and couples (of all combinations). 

FOR COUPLES: Please make your agreements together before you arrive. If you want to come along with your partner, and play with them exclusively, that’s completely fine.

This is a non-genital to genital penetration space.

Temple is a sober space.


Date : Saturday 5th April, 2024

Time : 3pm - 10.30pm

Venue : Wild Goose Space, The Yard, St Werburghs, Bristol, BS2 9YP

Cost : Price £75, Low income - £65, Abundant supporters £85

Things to bring:

An offering/flower for the temple shrine
A yoga/camping/roll matt if you have one, plus one or two pillows
Lunch to share
Something tasty and delicious to share with the group for snack during the day.
We will provide herbal teas and a fruit platter.


We have a no refund policy for the Temple. However, you are welcome to sell your ticket on to a friend. If you do so, please do let us know and send us their email so we can give the info about the temple.

For any questions please contact us:

Shanti: shantitemplenights@gmail.com 

0r text/call 07875 151582

Welcoming you with an open hearts,

Shanti & Hugs


About us


Hugs brings heartfelt holding and teachings to the team. He is a certified Sexological Bodyworker and Sacred sexual practitioner. His passion is supporting others to deepen their pleasure capacity and widen their orgasmic expansion. Through body based learning, insight medibation and self pleasure practices he guides you through deeper layers of your pleasure patterns, using discussion, demonstration and embodied exercises.



Shanti has been practising Tantra for 25 years.
She is Mama, Healer, Mover, Somatic Educator, Artist and a Creative.
She is intuitive, playful, a tribal gatherer and a little bit witchy.



Select tickets

Women's ticket £75
2 left
Men's ticket £75 Sold out
Non-Binary ticket £75 Sold out
Women's Concession £65 Sold out
Men's concession £65 Sold out
Non-Binary Concsession £65 Sold out
Abundant supporter £85 Sold out
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