Welcome to our group.
We're a bunch of people working on our own Planet before profit organisations, who want a simple & affordable way of going away for a few nights to beautiful places, bringing our team and our work with us and finding a balance between recuperation and productivity — two things that too often are at odds with one another in our lives.
These events are nonprofit and self-organised.
The aim is to find venues for 20-40 people that are no more than £20 per person per night and are full of various spaces for brainstorming, focusing, playing, and nearby places to walk or swim.
I created this because in my Planet before profit startup Dignity platform, we've found that these kind of working retreats can be a powerful way to get lots done, but it feels almost like a holiday at the same time. Meanwhile, there's a beautiful opportunity to cross-collaborate with other organisations at the event; getting to know each other both professionally and socially; sharing our insights, networks and other resources, ultimately supporting each other to amplify our collective social impact.