Let's co-create a weekend celebrating the cross quarter festival of autumn ending and the beginning of winter. It’s the Celtic new year, affirming rebirth in the midst of death and darkness. It’s a magical time, when the veil between the seen world of matter and the unseen world of spirit becomes thin. It’s the time for communication with the ancestors - the time to journey inside, into our unconsciousness and spirit realms. It’s the time to drift, dream and vision, connecting to the wisdom inside ourselves. The seeds for our future ideas and direction in life are incubated, ready for rebirth at the solstice. 

We've got a cosy house in the countryside, with a Sauna and space for 30 people, yuhuuu!


Dates are 29th of October - November 1st.

Applications are visible to all existing members, and are accepted upon receiving 10 proposers.