The Imaginarium · Dandelion

Co-creators 9/130


You are probably here because you have a dream. Please take a deep breath, and give yourself a moment to appreciate where you are in your life right now.

Below is a collection of information about the project. Please take your time to read through it all.


We buy land as a group of 130-150 people. Each gets a share of the business that will operate on the land. On the land we seek funding to build a big chapel-like tree(similar to the one we built, Yggdrasil in South Africa). The tree will look like the iris of an eye from above, and we will shape the landscape so that it looks like an eye. The tree becomes the workspace where we do workshops and knowledge sharing. The space becomes an artist residency, an innovation hub for green solutions as well as potential home for the members. Everyone who buys a share can live there, and if they live there you have to pay a minor rent. We host an annual festival, revenue goes to the business which in turn invests in infrastructure for the land.

You are investing in your own dreams. All work you do to develop the land increases the value of your investment. Which means we share the stakes and the gains. If we make it amazing, everyone wins.


Part 1.1 The land that we intend to buy.

Part 1.2 Initial proposal (including our values & principles)

Part 1.3 The knowledge hub

Part 2. The agreement among the investors/members.


If you are happy to move forward with Part 1's and 2 as they are, please apply to become an investing member of this community. If and when you are accepted you will have to pay your partnership fee of 9000 SEK as soon as possible*(*If you are unable to pay within the next 2 months but want to become an investing member, please contact Agust). If you have any critical comments to Part 1 and 2, please bring them forth to Agust, Nix or Bettina. 

The intention for these questions is for us to get to know a bit more about you and your dreams.