On last December’s dark moon, LUNARCHY launched with its inaugural event, The Moon Room, gathering a fledgling community of curious and compassionate newcomers together to dream and scheme about the possibilities of a better world.

This waxing moon, we’re emerging from hibernation to present Kinship with support from Theatre of the Oppressed practitioners, Reboot the Roots. The structured workshop will be a full day of games, ritual and collective experimentation - adopting the radical Forum Theatre techniques of the late Augusto Boal to explore notions of partnership, family, community and self-organisation.

How far removed are present working models from those of hunter-gatherer communities past and present? How may they have been configured to suit the demands of capital; and how can we reinvent them through play and image-making?

Ahead of Extinction Rebellion’s World Rebellion Week starting on April 15th, we’ll also provide open space for creative ideation on anything people feel called to take to the streets.

The event will run from 11am - 5pm at a private location near New River Studios with a homemade vegan lunch included. More details to be released closer to the day.

Due to venue capacity, spaces on this workshop are very limited and we hope for attendees to commit to the whole day.

NB: Forum Theatre is a popular radical form which has been practised across the world for almost half a century. Boal’s original performance techniques could imagine political change. He broke down the wall between actors and audience, the two sides coming together, the audience becoming the ‘spect-actors’.


LUNARCHY is an interdisciplinary community brought together by a desire to bring balance and enchantment back to the human experience.

There is wisdom to be sought from self-organising communities beyond the late-capitalist paradigm and an urgent need to revolutionise - and decolonise - our way of living.

We believe that a dash of empirical data and a heavy dose of imagination are fertile ground for reconstituting human prehistory into our collective destinies... circumventing patriarchy, neo-liberalism and fascism. By exploring universal themes through embodiment, narrative-making and ritual we hope to manifest an alternative, inclusive, pragmatic future in equilibrium with the planet’s organic ecology.


Applications are visible to all existing members, and are accepted upon receiving 2 proposers + supporters (with at least one proposer).