Diamante Bridge Collective
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Website | https://trace.giveth.io/community/the-diamante-bridge-collective |
Telegram group | https://t.me/joinchat/zg_r44gCII0xYzk5 |
Location | Diamante Valley, Costa Rica |
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The Diamante Bridge Collective (DBC) is a network of land stewards, individuals, organizations and communities located at founding within the Diamante Valley of Costa Rica. The programs being developed are designed to scale up from bridging neighbors to neighboring bioregions in relation to similar initiatives worldwide and those who travel between them.
The DBC functions as a hub of many physical nodes, connected via global networks of shared vision and mission with the goal of restoring, preserving and consciously stewarding surrounding lands and watersheds while living harmoniously within nature in alignment with our planetary values. We work together to create collective foundational agreements and a local regenerative economy that includes digital currencies for the transparent and accountable recordkeeping of our exchanges.
Our collective serve as a bridge, and an entry portal, for individuals looking to exit the industrial consumerist lifestyle, and engage in regenerative practices and co-creative living. Operating as a diverse network, we are in a unique position to be able to direct and connect individuals to communities which will best suit their needs, interests and passions.
We are also building metaphorical bridges between individuals, communities and organizations, local and global cultures, property owners and skilled service providers in the Southern Zone of Costa Rica who are committed to working together long term to care for our bioregion, our neighbors, and ourselves.
The DBC is a registered non-profit entity in Costa Rica, an Asociacion Colectiva, that values the transcendence of the old model of land “ownership”, choosing instead to “steward” lands. We have created this legal foundation for the securing of land into trust or conservation, for the benefit of future generations.