A Heart~Womb collaboration between Bryony Rose & Taila Rose.
Rooted in many years of sisterhood, they create ceremony and practice to support collective rememberance of our belonging with Earth, anchored in Eros.
Past offerings include Womb Mysteries & Voice of the Womb Retreats.
“Such a profound and deeply nourishing experience! Taila and Bryoni crafted a wonderful journey to explore a more connected and wild life experience!! Definitely recommend” ~ Giulia, Womb Mysteries
“Many treats in today's co-lead workshop. But one of the best bits for me when I come to these workshops is the freedom to explore who I am...through singing, sound, dance, talk shares. There is something wonderful learnt in the body when we remember what it is to be in connection with the group when we are all in line doing the same thing, and still be in connection when we explore our own thing to our own rhythm. Thank you ladies. Another piece was woken today. It's also such a pleasure to witness true friendship, love, kindness and support, which is what I saw in all ladies running the show. Thank you!” ~ Kate, Voice of the Womb