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circle of women
energy work
full moon
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Springs and Stones - An evening of honouring & working with February's New Moon, exploring our soul connections to the magic of the natural world & an opportunity for a wild dip or swim
womens circle
circle of women
shadow work
energy work
Meredithe Smith
Fri 28th Feb 2025, 7pm – 8:30pm GMT (UTC +00:00)
Farleigh and District Swimming Club, Farleigh Hungerford, Bath, UK
Springs and Stones - An evening of honouring March's Full Moon, exploring our soul connections to the magic of the natural world & an opportunity for a wild dip or swim
river swim
wild swim
energy work
shadow work
Meredithe Smith
Fri 14th Mar 2025, 7pm – 8:30pm GMT (UTC +00:00)
Farleigh and District Swimming Club, Farleigh Hungerford, Bath, UK
Springs and Stones - An evening of honouring & working with March's New Moon, exploring our soul connections to the magic of the natural world & an opportunity for a wild dip or swim
wild swim
womens circle
natural magic
Meredithe Smith
Sat 29th Mar 2025, 7pm – 8:30pm GMT (UTC +00:00)
Farleigh and District Swimming Club, Farleigh Hungerford, Bath, UK
Springs and Stones - An evening of honouring April's Full Moon, exploring our soul connections to the magic of the natural world & an opportunity for a wild dip or swim
circle of women
wild swim
safe space
moon magic
Meredithe Smith
Sun 13th Apr 2025, 7pm – 8:30pm BST (UTC +01:00)
Farleigh and District Swimming Club, Farleigh Hungerford, Bath, UK
Springs and Stones - An evening of honouring & working with April's New Moon, exploring our soul connections to the magic of the natural world & an opportunity for a wild dip or swim
womens circle
energy work
circle of women
Meredithe Smith
Sun 27th Apr 2025, 7pm – 8:30pm BST (UTC +01:00)
Farleigh and District Swimming Club, Farleigh Hungerford, Bath, UK
Springs and Stones - An evening of honouring May's Full Moon, exploring our soul connections to the magic of the natural world & an opportunity for a wild dip or swim
wild swim
energy work
moon work
soul connections
Meredithe Smith
Mon 12th May 2025, 7pm – 8:30pm BST (UTC +01:00)
Farleigh and District Swimming Club, Farleigh Hungerford, Bath, UK
Springs and Stones - An evening of honouring & working with May's New Moon, exploring our soul connections to the magic of the natural world & an opportunity for a wild dip or swim
safe space
setting intentions
shadow work
Meredithe Smith
Tue 27th May 2025, 7pm – 8:30pm BST (UTC +01:00)
Farleigh and District Swimming Club, Farleigh Hungerford, Bath, UK
Springs and Stones - An evening of honouring June's Full Moon, exploring our soul connections to the magic of the natural world & an opportunity for a wild dip or swim
full moon
river swim
moon work
energy work
Meredithe Smith
Wed 11th Jun 2025, 7pm – 8:30pm BST (UTC +01:00)
Farleigh and District Swimming Club, Farleigh Hungerford, Bath, UK
Springs and Stones - An evening of honouring & working with June's New Moon, exploring our soul connections to the magic of the natural world & an opportunity for a wild dip or swim
soul connections
energy work
natural magic
setting intentions
Meredithe Smith
Wed 25th Jun 2025, 7pm – 8:30pm BST (UTC +01:00)
Farleigh and District Swimming Club, Farleigh Hungerford, Bath, UK
Springs and Stones - An evening of honouring July's Full Moon, exploring our soul connections to the magic of the natural world & an opportunity for a wild dip or swim
circle of women
soul connections
moon magic
wild swim
Meredithe Smith
Thu 10th Jul 2025, 7pm – 8:30pm BST (UTC +01:00)
Farleigh and District Swimming Club, Farleigh Hungerford, Bath, UK
Springs and Stones - An evening of honouring & working with July's New Moon, exploring our soul connections to the magic of the natural world & an opportunity for a wild dip or swim
safe space
energy work
moon magic
natural magic
Meredithe Smith
Thu 24th Jul 2025, 7pm – 8:30pm BST (UTC +01:00)
Farleigh and District Swimming Club, Farleigh Hungerford, Bath, UK
Springs and Stones - An evening of honouring August's Full Moon, exploring our soul connections to the magic of the natural world & an opportunity for a wild dip or swim
natural magic
moon magic
energy work
wild swim
safe space
Meredithe Smith
Sat 9th Aug 2025, 7pm – 8:30pm BST (UTC +01:00)
Farleigh and District Swimming Club, Farleigh Hungerford, Bath, UK
Springs and Stones - An evening of honouring & working with August's New Moon, exploring our soul connections to the magic of the natural world & an opportunity for a wild dip or swim
soul connections
setting intentions
safe space
Meredithe Smith
Sat 23rd Aug 2025, 7pm – 8:30pm BST (UTC +01:00)
Farleigh and District Swimming Club, Farleigh Hungerford, Bath, UK
Springs and Stones - An evening of honouring October's Full Moon, exploring our soul connections to the magic of the natural world & an opportunity for a wild dip or swim
circle of women
natural magic
wild swim
safe space
energy work
Meredithe Smith
Tue 7th Oct 2025, 7pm – 8:30pm BST (UTC +01:00)
Farleigh and District Swimming Club, Farleigh Hungerford, Bath, UK
Springs and Stones - An evening of honouring & working with October's New Moon, exploring our soul connections to the magic of the natural world & an opportunity for a wild dip or swim
womens circle
energy work
Meredithe Smith
Tue 21st Oct 2025, 7pm – 8:30pm BST (UTC +01:00)
Farleigh and District Swimming Club, Farleigh Hungerford, Bath, UK
Springs and Stones - An evening of honouring November's Full Moon, exploring our soul connections to the magic of the natural world & an opportunity for a wild dip or swim
moon magic
soul connections
river swim
natural magic
Meredithe Smith
Wed 5th Nov 2025, 7pm – 8:30pm GMT (UTC +00:00)
Farleigh and District Swimming Club, Farleigh Hungerford, Bath, UK
Springs and Stones - An evening of honouring & working with November's New Moon, exploring our soul connections to the magic of the natural world & an opportunity for a wild dip or swim
river swim
natural magic
wild swim
Meredithe Smith
Thu 20th Nov 2025, 7pm – 8:30pm GMT (UTC +00:00)
Farleigh and District Swimming Club, Farleigh Hungerford, Bath, UK
Springs and Stones - An evening of honouring December's Full Moon, exploring our soul connections to the magic of the natural world & an opportunity for a wild dip or swim
full moon
energy work
safe space
soul connections
Meredithe Smith
Thu 4th Dec 2025, 7pm – 8:30pm GMT (UTC +00:00)
Farleigh and District Swimming Club, Farleigh Hungerford, Bath, UK
Springs and Stones - An evening of honouring & working with December's New Moon, exploring our soul connections to the magic of the natural world & an opportunity for a wild dip or swim
safe space
energy work
moon work
womens circle
river swim
Meredithe Smith
Sat 20th Dec 2025, 7pm – 8:30pm GMT (UTC +00:00)
Farleigh and District Swimming Club, Farleigh Hungerford, Bath, UK