Circling · Dandelion


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Come as you are.

Learn how to weave your truth into connection.

Be inspired by the unknown territory of other people and yourself.

Curious? Come circling.

The practice of circling encourages a reverence for the beauty and wisdom at the heart of every single one of us. It is also founded on a  belief in our ability to be together in nourishing community. These perspectives go against much of what we’ve been taught. Learning how to circle isn’t so much a doing as an un-doing: experimenting with removing the filters we usually apply to what we express and what we sense with other people.

As it is so counter-cultural, relating in this way can be challenging. My philosophy as a facilitator is to prioritise safety in the space. I believe that if people are allowed to go at their own pace, they will be much more likely to integrate what happens. As far as I can tell, there is no limit to the discoveries that can be made about being human. Everyone will have their own journey, and very often there is a shared experience of discovery, as well.

What will we actually do?

Circling is a practice of being with each other in the present moment. Every circle is different and you might experiment with showing up in new ways. Many people feel moved to share what they are noticing about thinking, physical sensations and emotions. Movement is welcome, if you respond to the moment in that way. Silent presence is also included - it can be a rich place to explore your inner experience, and can also be a gift to others.

One form of circling is the ‘focus circle’, where the group explores one person’s world for a period of time (perhaps 15 minutes). Another kind of circling is known as ‘surrendered leadership' or ‘flow’, where there is no predetermined focus and we explore what emerges in the group, moment to moment. 

This evening is open to beginners as well as experienced circlers. Robin will guide some exercises to enter into the spirit of circling. The exercises will be a mix of embodiment practices and authentic relating games in pairs or small groups. Depending on the size of the group, we will move into circling as a whole group, or in smaller groups.

Your facilitator, Robin Prospect: “I certified as a circling facilitator in January 2022 with Circling Europe, the ‘Embodied Presence’ school of circling. The 6-month, intensive training was one of the most transformational and healing experiences of my life. Since then, I have facilitated circling in London and around the world, including in Portugal, Costa Rica, and online. I fell in love with circling and I am in an ongoing enquiry about what it is, and how to hold the space in a way that serves truth, beauty and goodness. I am really happy to have the opportunity to bring circling to people in Bristol.”


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