Lev1: Birth Into Being with a plant - Tri Brain · Dandelion

Lev1: Birth Into Being with a plant - Tri Brain

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Organisation Moon Herbs
Contact email magalie@moonherbs.co.uk
Website https://moonherbs.co.uk/birth-into-being-curriculum/
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A beautiful process to help you realign the 3 brains (Cortex, reptilian, Limbic). This realignment is crucial to live in harmony, be able to take the right decisions that serves you well, and execute them with no obstacle on the path. This process is very useful to resolve addiction patterns, wrong partner choice, feeling like whatever you do is failing or that you are unlucky, depression, anxiety, lack of confidence, having poor health, feeling like you can’t voice yourself/your needs or cannot set your boundaries. It is one of the crucial processes in the birth into being method to centre yourself and start breaking free from what no longer serves you.

Are you ready to break trough old pattern and get rid of what no longer serves you? To recover a true connection to your higher self. Create new reference points of emotional comfort aligned with your conscious intentions. Strengthen your sense of belonging and well-being. Gain new reference points in your nervous system for greater ability of intimacy and creativity. Invoke your inner 'Elder' - your deepest Wisdom as your constant companion.

Each cell of our bodies carries an "imprint" (called Limbic Imprint) that begins to establish as a baby/foetus in our mother ‘s womb. If our emotional body is overwhelmed during this formative period, then a lifetime of ineffective coping strategies and behavioural patterns will ensue. Our imprints govern our emotional selves and often override our rational thinking mind. They are at the root of self sabotage, and hinder happiness and freedom, inhibiting self-expression in sometimes subtle, but often overt ways.

The Birth Into Being (BIB) Method directly addresses this by transforming our Limbic Imprint, thus allowing us to access the intelligence of nature's creative Power.

The method interweaves epigenetics and neuroplasticity with the richness of storytelling, visualization, breath-work, role-play, gentle touch and dancing. In this workshop BIB with a plant ally, we have the special addition of working with a plant, to meet the plant spirit and invite healing from the plant. You will be able to continue working with that plant after the workshop to continue the weaving of that supportive relationship. Plants are amazing allies to work with, they highlight in each of us different parts that need to release trauma.


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