Lev1: Birth Into Being with a plant - Core Cry

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Organisation Moon Herbs
Contact email magalie@moonherbs.co.uk
Website https://moonherbs.co.uk/birth-into-being-curriculum/
Telegram group https://chat.whatsapp.com/JUXQC226XVWAwtWx30RLpe

You need to have done at least 1 or 2 other processes of level 1 Birth into Being to attend this session (please check my website to see the level 1 and curriculum )

In this process you have a 1:1 session with myself while being lovingly held in the space and witnessed by other participants (your tribe) in the session. It is hard to explain what we work on specifically during this process, it is beyond words, and in a way is crucial to keep the mystery of what it does. This process takes you straight down into the abyss of your shadow side. A very deep process that enables you to go deep within and release what is needed in that very moment, shed and break free from what is holding you back at that point in time in your life.


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