Lev2: Birth Into Being with a plant - yin yang dang · Dandelion

Lev2: Birth Into Being with a plant - yin yang dang

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a deep introspection into our shadow and light energy, let them emerge and metamorphose to reach a new equilibrium 

This process gives you the opportunity to balance your inner opposing forces- Masculine/Feminine, Light/Dark, Good/Evil, that you hold inside yourself, and harmonise any imbalance between them.

This is a really important process as by allowing that imbalance to come forth only then you can allow for your system to upgrade a find a new equilibrium to live in harmony.

This is similar to the caterpillar transition through a very vulnerable phase in the cocoon (similar to the state of looking in for our opposing energies in imbalance) to transform into a beautiful butterfly (allowing yourself to upgrade to a more balanced harmonised place).

Without introspection we cannot evolve


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