Full Moon Inner Child Healing Circle Via Zoom

online trauma release full moon circle energy healing online circle inner child inner child healing emotional trauma full moon energy work full moon ceremony energywork childhood trauma online event trauma healing cosmic energy innerchild
Hosted by Life In Confidence
Enquiries to jessxgoh@lifeinconfidence.com
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Start healing fragments of your inner child and experience inner peace.

“I didn't know what to expect when I signed up for Full Moon Inner Child Healing Circle. I was surprised to uncover the hidden traumatic pattern that I was carrying forth, so it was a wonderful feeling to release it during the session. I felt lighter and more balanced and ready to accept love and joy.”

Deepika Gupta, Malaysia


“I feel more secure going through that experience. I had an early morning hike and was ruminating about past childhood trauma experiences. Although I was between being in the present and the past, I realized that it’s completely normal to do this for now. I realize that I need to coexist with this trauma to move on. After the clearing circle, I’ve accepted that the trauma I’ve experienced shaped who I am now, and I need to love myself unconditionally. Thank you for hosting.”

Kate Siakpere, Indonesia


“Thanks again for hosting a beautiful space, I felt your glowing energy all the way from the other side of the globe. I felt a big energy around me and at first I felt calm and peaceful, I laughed when you said you focused on me at the start and specifically my heart and solar plexus, I felt the biggest energy at the start and thought I was losing focus but must have just been that it was stronger then. Thank you so much again! I wasn’t sure if I’d get the free space to do it from home but I’m glad I did!”

Cleo Harding, UK


“It was interesting to listen to the other participants and it made me feel humble and appreciative of my own life and parents. I will take that away with me as a lovely experience and it made me understand other people more. Very interesting with the singing too, very strong vibe in the room.”

Naddya Montoya, AUS


Do you feel called to heal fragments of your inner child?


Is there a part of you that requires love and approval in the midst of loneliness and despair?


Is it time to witness yourself with awe and amazement through security and safety?


Everything happens in divine timing even when our logical mind thinks it isn't. The wounded inner child is attached to the outcome because it knows this is what we want and it would be best for me. The neediness and hurry to fulfil our egoic deficiencies from the painful memories of our upbringing.


When we step away from the (emotional) chaos (which is the actual obstacle) and observe what's really going on within ourselves, things don't work out, not because the world is against you, but for a greater reason that the mind can't comprehend.


There's something better rising that would serve you at a higher place in order for you to learn from this journey at this point in time. And it always is. This is why you and I signed up for this human experience. To trust and follow the magic of life.


This occurred to me after I had recovered from a massive emotional breakdown just recently. It felt like a short period of depression where I couldn't focus or concentrate, crying myself to sleep and it was a struggle to stop crying and repetitive suicidal thoughts. I lacked energy and enthusiasm, my head was heavy, my eyes ached to be asleep and difficult to get out of bed.


I knew I had to move through the pain by feeling and releasing the grief that came from the shame of feeling rejected and neglected by someone I really admire. And I'm so glad I finally came out of it now with a lighter and wiser perspective that I wasn't able to see before in my past interactions with men.


The shift was to see myself and my inner child with so much love and grace, knowing from a heartcentered place that who I am is enough and who I am and what I have to offer to a man is worth its weight in gold, if not more.


If you're feeling this right now or this is something you can relate to, I feel you, beautiful soul. It ain't an easy journey, but it's here to serve you, to drop into your own self-worth.


Here's What You'll Experience...


🌟Inner Child Healing: Go on a journey to start dissolving and letting go of insecurities and anxiety around your inner child's needs and deficiencies that are keeping you stuck in the past through quantum timeline healing, light language, star magic and sound therapy


🌟Sacred Sharing Circle: Feel safe and supported in a group dynamic with a highly successful mentor and like-minded heartcentered people as you share yourself with the tribe and a personalised card reading with next steps moving forward


🌟Astrological Update: Receive guidance on specific dates for the month to be mindful of planetary changes and shifts that would influence your energy and decisions and how to move forward into the right direction.


This is limited to 10 spiritual warriors only!


Can't make it live? You might be keen on plugging your ears to my Childhood Trauma Clearing Audio or Divine Empowerment audio!


Surrender To Trust,

Jess X Goh | Soul Founder Of Life In Confidence

Trauma Coach In Childhood Abuse | Galactic Healer | Detox Specialist

W: www.lifeinconfidence.com

YT: Life In Confidence

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This event started 5 months ago

General admission £35
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