Community Leadership Activation for Womxn · Dandelion

Community Leadership Activation for Womxn

women leadership wild woman divine feminine soulful leadership feminine leadership
Hosted by Grow in Harmony
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Learn how to lead from your Wild Soul.

What wants to be born through you? What needs to die to make room for new life?

Feminine leadership is in many ways the opposite of what our culture teaches us to think of as leadership. It welcomes change and is suspicious of stability. It surrenders to the flow and doesn’t try to control. It is effortless; it is allergic to striving. It values creation and destruction equally. It serves the greater good rather than the ego. 

Most of us have no idea that this kind of leadership is possible and, in fact, vitally important. This is why our world is suffering so much. We have forgotten the natural way of things, the cycle of creation, of life and death. Instead, we feel trapped on a hamster wheel, required to keep going ever more efficiently. 

During this course, you are invited to get off the wheel and get to know yourself as you really are. I will teach you how to rest in the present moment, and how to catch the wave as it wants to move through you. 

Feminine leadership taps into the most powerful energy in the universe: that of life itself. By aligning with that energy, action becomes effortlessly effective, pleasurable and connecting. Creation becomes a way of life. Such people cannot help but become leaders. 

I have spent ten years journeying from the centre of masculine leadership into my feminine soul. At 30, I had an Oxford degree, a career as a barrister, and a beautiful flat in London. Somehow, I had an inkling that there was more to life. Following this intuition has led me through many deaths and rebirths. 

Now, at 40 years old, that old life is gone, and my spirit is wild and free. Yet, my heart breaks for the world. From this place of loving heartbreak, it is an honour to serve the Great Turning and divine Justice. I feel called to tend the spirit in others. Together, we will make the earth sing with joy as she sees us living from our truth, love and beauty.

You are invited to join me on a journey into greater intimacy with your body, mind, heart and soul. The course is experiential rather than didactic. I have curated it from the practices that were the most powerful in reconnecting me with my wild soul and igniting my leadership potential. These practices meet us exactly where we are, and welcome us to find our flow again. 

As a circle of womxn, we will:

  • Shed our socialised skins and learn to love our authentic selves, through a group relating practice called surrendered leadership circling
  • Learn to trust our bodies to guide us, through intuitive movement and dance
  • Access co-regulation and connection, through contact improvisation and bodywork
  • Give wings to our spirits and honour the more-than-human world, through ritual and ceremony.

We will meet every Thursday for 3 hours (6.30-9.30pm), in the wonderfully atmospheric Gasworks Studio. Over the 12 weeks, we will spiral through these practices, deepening our surrender with each repetition. As the course progresses, there will be space for you to bring and share your gifts. I can’t wait to see what you will create.

Who is this course for?

This activation journey is for you if you hear the call to step into greater power. You sense that all is not well in this world, and you desire things to be different. You may not know what is yours to do, but you’re prepared to take the next step and see what happens.

It is a prerequisite that you have some capacity to stay present with your emotions. This is necessary so that the group can hold each other through what can be an intense process at times. You may have developed this capacity through mindfulness meditation, therapy, or other presence-centred practice.

Sex and gender. This course is for women (cis and trans) and others of any gender who are called to the feminine. It is my understanding that the feminine commonly finds its strongest expression through women with wombs, but this is not always the case. I also believe that we can all express both masculine and feminine qualities. I myself have a strong masculine expression alongside my feminine.

If you would like to discuss your participation, you are welcome to book a 20 minute call with me.  

More about your facilitator

I was a wild child. My mother inspired my love of dancing and my father gave me a passion for singing. Nature herself gave me the biggest gift: a direct connection to her wild love. 

As I grew, I absolutely hated the expectations that came my way to behave like a girl. Nonetheless, I was slowly tamed, and by my late twenties I was doing a passable impression of a socially acceptable woman. Luckily, soon after that, I caught the wave of the trans revolution. I adopted the label ‘non-binary’, to protect myself from those expectations. I had no idea what it was to be a ‘woman’ in a healthy way. I had no role models, either close to home or in popular culture. 

My curiosity was ignited a few years later, when I fell in love with someone from a different culture, India. He boldly told me that he found me very feminine, despite my deliberately masculine presentation. I started paying attention to different sources, older and more spiritual models of femininity. I discovered that intuition and embodied sensing, abilities I had reclaimed through years of therapy and yoga, are at the heart of the sacred feminine. 

Since then, I’ve hungrily consumed the best of what is out there in support of this truer version of womanhood. My bible is “Women Who Run with the Wolves: Contacting the Power of the Wild Woman” by Clarissa Pinkola Estes. Jewels Wingfield taught me the importance of cycles and connecting with the earth, during a 13-month Women’s Initiation Apprenticeship. The culture change work I do with organisations and my coaching have been transformed by the work of Fanny Norlin on feminine/lifeforce leadership

Every day, I aim to live, love and lead from my Wild Soul. This is supported by a daily practice of devotional dancing in nature. I often spend hours among trees, and do much of my workshop design in a field. I lead from surrender, meaning I don't try to ‘push the river’. I know that my work will only be effective if I'm connected to lifeforce energy. When I disconnect, my body tells me, and I receive guidance in my dreams. Meeting preparation can be sitting on the earth and meditating on love. It is a great privilege to have found this way of being, and I hope to be a role-model to others.

During the last decade, I have been drawn to other incredible trainings, which all inform this course. They include:

  • 18 month, 300+ hr yoga teacher training with Yogacampus in London
  • 6 month circling facilitator training with Circling Europe plus 1 week surrendered leadership intensive
  • 18 month Advanced Coaching Programme levels 1 & 2 with Aletheia, including training in parts work (based on Internal Family Systems), Focussing, the Diamond Approach, the Enneagram and neo-Reichian therapeutic touch
  • 3 month Soulful Leadership coaching with Bonny Tydeman
  • Contact improvisation training with teachers including Nita Little

I have taught retreats for aspiring leaders since 2022, at Embercombe in Devon. I have facilitated and trained people in many disciplines throughout my professional life, and in fact all the way back to childhood. As an oldest sibling with many cousins, I was always organising others! These days, my focus is on relating, with each other and nature, and creative, embodied expression. It brings me great joy, whether I'm holding a dance space or teaching people to sing in harmony. I am also a writer, and have written several articles about the sacred feminine on my substack, Meaningful Mondays.

I am so excited to bring together my space-holding skills with my passion for supporting the empowerment of the feminine.

I will be assisted in the core course practice of surrendered leadership circling by Vicki Thomas.

An introduction from Vicki: 

"I feel it's a privilege and a gift to be able to assist and support Robin on this potentially very transformative course for empowering the sacred feminine and the honest, intuitive, sensitive and real leadership that can emerge from this.  I have been one of Robin's most faithful circling participants over the last year and have found this practice inspiring, revealing and held safely enough to allow me to be very open and real with others. 

It really excites me at this point in my life - in my 70's now and an Elder (I like calling myself that!) - to explore new emerging parts of myself - such as authenticity, honest anger, sexuality and leadership for the first time. It's never too late! For 25 years, I desperately searched for answers from gurus and teachers, followed by years of suicidal and chronic depression - all deep lessons  that led to ongoing healing of childhood trauma and becoming both a Mindfulness and Compassion Practitioner and more recently a Focusing Practitioner. The latter process has been life changing. 

I'm currently writing my memoir about my earlier life as a teacher in the USSR, a disciple in India and a Commune member in Oregon. It has not been a boring life!"

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