DARK HALF · Dandelion


Hosted by Mystery Foundation
Enquiries to the.mysteryfoundation@gmail.com
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Welcome to 


A guided journey from Autumn Equinox to Spring Equinox.

We invite you to gather with us to anchor into the felt sense of the 

Dark Half of the Wheel of the Year 

~ deepening into Body & Earth as foundation ~ 

we re-member the Sacred and Ancient Ways 

of Circling & Ceremony 

to meet & embrace the Feminine Mysteries.


We will gather on the pulse of bi-weekly Monday's at 7pm BST // 8pm CET, for 90-120 minutes opening on the 25th September 2023, and culminating on the 11th March 2024. 

There will also be an optional inperson gathering over the Spring Equinox, 20th-24th March 2024, details TBC. 

The Dark has been shamed, repressed and denied in dominant Western culture, fearing the unknown and exiling deep feminine wisdom. 

Dora, Taila and a courageous group of Women consciously journeyed the Dark Half of the year last year and found coherence between the Wheel of the Year festivals and themes with our inner gnostic wisdom. These experiences lay a foundation for the 13 Pillars we are introducing in this journey. And still, throughout this whole creation process as well as in the journey ahead, we are being humbled by the ever unfolding mystery. Listening, shifting and responding.

What to expect;

  • Sharing Circles
  • Embodiment Practice
  • Nervous System Regulation
  • Sensual Exploration
  • Somatic Descent
  • Instinct Reclamation
  • Pleasure Activation
  • Archetypal Play
  • Emotional Landscaping, Release & Integration
  • Eros Emergence

Whilst each gathering will hold it’s own unique essence, the typical framework & foundation will be: 

  • Opening & Landing - to circle, body & earth.
  • Teaching//Practice
  • Sharing
  • Closing & Integration

Here is a map for the 13 Pillars of the Dark Half. 

This journey will be accompanied by Deeper Integration Invitations: rituals & practices designed for you to do in your own space in between our group gatherings and a community space to share & weave together. 

“To celebrate the Earth’s yearly cycle is to take part in an ancient tradition that has been handed down to us since before Celtic times. The old Celtic festivals fall at eight points during the year, and are a means by which we can connect to the Earth’s passing seasons and acknowledge the way this resonates within ourselves, as part of the natural world.”

 - Glennie Kindred, Sacred Earth Celebrations

To celebrate & honour the wheel of the year is to re-member the unity and wholeness of spirit and matter. Within and without. With the focus on the Dark Half, contrary to cultural obsession with the light, we will acknowledge and release the fear of our inner worlds, our intuition and the dark. Reclaiming our listening and sacred knowing: gnosis. So that you may cycle and live as the vision and love in your tender beating heart. 

When our bodies are open as a bridge, we have the potential to be in conscious relationship with the wisdom and mystery that has come before, and that which wishes to emerge through us, here & now. 

For our bodies to be open, receptive and moving with the pulse of life, honouring the different energy flows of the wheel of the year gives us the opportunity to consciously meet, release and alchemise all that keeps us closed, scared and retracted so that we may live in right relationship and reciprocity with all that is. 


‘Caress the muck. Dance with the goo. 

Breathe in the gunk until you welcome it as part of you;

as worthy too. 

Composting the old, alchemical gold.

Into fertile soil, we plant seeds that take root

to be embraced by Spring,

And meet eye to eye with the light of Sun.

First, my love, rest here for a while, 

into the dark we will journey 

coming undone, 

Unraveling our stories,

until we recognise you and I and nature as one.’ 

- Taila Rose 


Who is this for? 

Women and afab loves comfortable with being in a space that will centre 

  • the womb,
  • feminine mysteries,
  • b🩸eeding,
  • p🐱ssy anatomy
  • & female experience//conditioning

the space is not intended as therapy, and whilst it may feel therapeutic, if you are currently in a space of active trauma we would encourage you to seek 1-1 therapeutic support so that you can be held more personally and deeply where you are right now. You're so welcome to reach out to Dora and Taila to have a chat about what options there may be for you. 

the connection between women has been severed by thousands of years of oppression and patriarchal domination, and at times it can be challenging to gather with other womby folk. we invite you to journey as deep as you feel comfortable, walk with honesty, authenticity and the courage to share your experience of beauty, triggers & challenges as part of individual;+collective whole-ing & healing ❤️‍


'Being a woman, an oracle, earth. 

Connected to the seasons through cycles within. 

Maybe we forgot, but now we remember. 

One circle at a time.

Reclaiming our nature. Reclaiming the life that was always meant for you. 

How does she move (through) you?


Red thread of ancestral ways weaving through my sensual nature.'  

  - Dora Sophia Rose


This is a Temple  

Re-membering the sacred and ancient practice of circling, each gathering serves to deepen trust as another step along the journey through many cycles & spirals together. Developing intimacy with the Temple herself and those who come to gather every other week. You have a seat that only you can occupy.


Whilst we have given a contribution amount for this offering that considers the time + energy we are giving to Mystery Foundation; our deep listening, planning, reflecting, dreaming, creating & tending, we are open to other ways of sharing resources, building relationships and supporting the Village. Please send us an e-mail to: the.mysteryfoundation@gmail.com if you wish to discuss pathways of contribution. 

We so look forward to welcoming you here, 

with love Dora & Taila x


Dora & Taila captured by Anna at the Spring Equinox Glastonbury Gathering 2022

Select tickets

This event started about 1 year ago

Below you will find the sliding scale ticket options. Please choose what you feel able to give.
Includes full access to the 13 live gatherings(recorded) + integration rituals, practices & community platform
Includes full access to the 13 live gatherings(recorded) + integration rituals, practices & community platform
Includes full access to the 13 live gatherings(recorded) + integration rituals, practices & community platform
DARK HALF: Monthly Installment £99
(monthly payment 1 of 6) Includes access to the 13 live gatherings(recorded) + integration rituals, practices & community platform.
Add a donation to Mystery Foundation

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By proceeding you agree to Dandelion's terms and conditions and understand this event is organised by Mystery Foundation, who takes financial and legal responsibility for the event.

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