Embodying Ancestral Blessings: A Six Week Journey into Ancestral Healing · Dandelion

Embodying Ancestral Blessings: A Six Week Journey into Ancestral Healing

ceremony and ritual ancestral healing ancestors course ancestral grief
Hosted by True Nature
Activity Ancestral Healing
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Enquiries to alex.ioanno@gmail.com
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An intimate six week group journey into Ancestral Lineage Repair, following the basic steps of healing one of your 4 main ancestral lineages.  This is a ritual approach for healing from intergenerational trauma and learning a framework to help you stay consciously connected with the well and wise ancestors. 

Join the free taster on the 3rd of September. 

Be on the receiving end of immeasurable support, grace and profound care.None of us are ever truly alone. But we often go through the world as if we are. 

The ancestors are essentially always with us, whether we acknowledge them or not. By reaching out to consciously relate with them, we can more effortlessly receive and embody the gifts that come down our bloodlines, and stay truer to our own path and destiny, without trying to actively solve their issues through our lives. We can rather develop the capacity to stay more present in our own lives and connected with an immense web of support and vitality that comes from our ancestors.

The course will offer an opportunity to learn a life-long 5 step framework for safely and consciously relating with the ancestors through embodied ritual practice. The material shared is trauma-informed, building on the capacity to stay more deeply connected with our bodies, and cross-cultural. The group formed will be up to 12 participants, to ensure there’s the necessary care and attentiveness into each person’s process and the opportunity to form more intimate connections with each other throughout the course of the 6 weeks. 

“Whichever road I follow, I walk in the land of many gods, and they love and eat one another. Suddenly all my ancestors are behind me. Be still, they say. Watch and listen. You are the result of the love of thousands.” - Linda Hogan



What you get:

  • Six x  2 hour live sessions with a mixture of discussion, teaching, individual and group embodied ritual.
  • One 60 minute individual session with Alex to support you over the course.
  • Learn a lifelong framework on how to safely and effectively relate with the ancestors
  • Practices to do in between group sessions (overall requiring an additional 30-60 minutes per week.)
  • Optional additional readings or video resources for deepening your understanding of ancestral connections
  • A closed online group to form deeper connections & ask for support


This course is for you if:

  • You feel you’re carrying burdens and ways of being and relating that aren’t yours
  • You want to learn and be present with others in a deeper way
  • You are longing to feel deeply seen and supported by your own people
  • You have tried different forms of therapy but some patterns and issues seem to prevail
  • You want to learn how to bring safety and intentionality in your ritual practice
  • You have felt out of place, an outcast or a black sheep in your culture or family of origin.


How you may benefit from this work: 

  • Feel clearer in your identity and cultivate a deeply rooted sense of belonging in the wider web of life
  • A renewed sense of vitality, joy, and a profound felt sense of care and support
  • Live a more relational life, cutting through more individualistic and isolating ways of being in the world.
  • Reclaim a deep sense of sovereignty, agency and empowerment.
  • Feel more deeply aligned with your purpose
  • Feel more empowered and cultivate a source of healthy cultural pride


More about working in partnership with the ancestors

This work is rooted in an animist/relational framework which understands the world in terms of relationality. It understands our imbalances and ill-health as related with ill-maintained relationships; with ourselves, other humans, the more-than-human, and the invisible worlds. Starting to repair these relationships and maintaining them, is part of a redemptive decolonial process of being of service not only to ourselves but to the world. 

In the times we live in, supremacist ideologies and behaviors of various types (human supremacy, racism, patriarchy, i.e.) continue to place us as separate from the world rather than as part of it. Coming into a right relationship with our ancestors can form a part of  much needed cultural healing, starting to transform a culture of individualism into one of interdependence. The times we live in are craving for it. 

There are no prerequisites, however, prior experience with inner work and relating with spirit are both helpful. This approach to Ancestral Healing has been developed by Dr Daniel Foor.

This event is open to all genders, races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, disabilities and religious beliefs. 



Alex (www.rodihealing.com)  is an integrative and somatic psychotherapist and ritualist supporting people to access a deeper sense of connection with themselves and the world around them. Born in Greece, he has spent many years living in the UK. He has an MA in Dramatherapy, is an accredited Ancestral Healing Practitioner, and has further extensive training in somatic trauma therapy, ecological grief work and processwork. 

Over the past 9 years he has worked as a psychotherapist individually and in groups with people in various situations. His practice focuses on encouraging conversations between body awareness and imaginative/intuitive sensing and sits at the crossroads of creative - expressive psychotherapy, animist/relational principles, contemplative practice and somatic trauma therapy. He accompanies people whilst they heal from developmental and intergenerational trauma, move through profound life transitions, and contend with the realities of grief, death and dying, helping people develop their capacity for a greater sense of wholeness. His ancestors are from the Balkan peninsula, the Black Sea, and the Central and Eastern Mediterranean.


“Alex offered and held a space that felt safe, interesting, suggestive. I liked his care and responsiveness, the way he shared his own experiences and how he has embodied what he's learned.” - Ditta

“ This work was a full body dive into cultivating deeper trust, discernment, courage and imagination.Alex’s facilitation, attunement, spaciousness and care were palpable throughout. He attentively gave guidance, while also allowing for my own pace, process and impressions to emerge.” - Tanya 

“Alex's guidance is sensitive, kind, boundaried and warm. He meets me where I am and brings acceptance, curiosity and skill to whatever I encounter. I have been able to tap into other forms of knowing and seeing and have surprised myself at the level of detail I am able to receive.” - Martha



There’s three payment options to support people on a lower wage. If you consider yourself to be a high earner then paying a supporter option helps to subsidise places for people on lower incomes. Your support is really appreciated. 

Low income - £220

Standard - £255

Supporter - £290

*If you strongly want to attend but cannot afford the low income option, please be in touch and we can discuss possibilities of a payment plan or bursary place (if available).

Dates: Six consecutive Tuesdays. (17th and 24th of September, 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd of October) 
Time: Each session is 6.30- 8.30 pm 
Ticket Price: £220-290
Room opens: 18: 20
Enquiries: alex@rodihealing.com



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This event started about 1 month ago

Supporter £290
3 left
Standard £255
3 left
Low Income £220
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