A Place for & with Childen · Dandelion

A Place for & with Childen

play nature nature connection children outdoors family wellbing early years seasonal families
Hosted by Half Moon Community
Enquiries to Soma.livingstudio@gmail.com
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A morning sesson for young families, to come and experience early years nature conection practice. Honouring the cycle of the seasion. Learning to nurture the land though celebration song and play.

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This event started about 1 month ago

This is to support support the work of HM community, to nurture biodiverisity and wellbeing.
Child with supporting adult £3 - £10

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this is an optional donation to support the work of Half moon community. mowing paths nurturing the land and in the future providing more facilties. ie Toilets.
This is for child and attendant adult/s.

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By proceeding you agree to Dandelion's terms and conditions and understand this event is organised by Half Moon Community, who takes financial and legal responsibility for the event.

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