Tending the flame within: A celebration of Imbolc and the Goddess Bridget

yoga community embodied women circle connection wild woman sister circle bristol circle of women women's circle women's empowerment empowered women
Hosted by Womens Circles with Megan and Nicole
Enquiries to megan_yoga@outlook.com
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Tending The Flame Within

A celebration of Imbolc and a recounting of the story of the Goddess Brigid

23rd February | 10am - 3pm

A day retreat held at the Womb Room, Westbury Wildlife Park

£79 (early bird)

Limited community spots available for those in genuine need. Please contact to enquire.

Imbolc is the Pagan festival which celebrates the first stirrings of spring and the return of the light. Brigid - who is said to spread her cloak over the land during Imbolc to usher in the change of the seasons - is the Celtic Goddess of fire, fertility, inspiration and healing.

Legend has it that Brigid was born with a flame reaching out of the top of her head, connecting her with the universe. At her  healing well in Kildare, Ireland there is a sacred flame which is tended to by 19 of her followers, all women.


A gathering of women in circle around a warm hearth

A recounting of Brigid’s story

Grounding meditation

Celebratory movement

Time to connect with the Earth

Rituals to honour Imbolc

Creating a Brigid’s cross

A nourishing meal, snacks and tea throughout the day

Select tickets

Connect to your wild woman
Ticket £79
A ticket for one woman to attend
Special Offer £118.50
A ticket for one woman to attend AND bring her friend along for half price (purchasing this offer gives you 2 tickets for the price of 1)
Add a donation to Dandelion
Come grab a spot in our circle

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