The Cauldron - An Online Women's Journey of Transformation

myth transformation women circle online circle online womens circle ceremony storytelling sister circle sisterhood goddess story spellwork
Hosted by Rooted Reverence
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Join a closed container of sisters as we journey through the myth of our own transformation over 6 weekly circles.

Guided by the tale of Cerridwen (Witch Goddess of inspiration & transformation), we collectively explore the magic of our inner alchemy through story, spell-work, sharing circles, and ceremony.

Spaces limited to 6 women to keep container intimate & allow everyone ample opportunity to share.

We meet on Zoom every Monday evening over 6 weeks. Our first circle begins on Monday 7th October at 6:45pm. 
Our circles are 2.5 hours long and there will be a 10-minute comfort break roughly half-way through. The brief outline and dates for our circles are as below:

Opening Circle: Monday 7th October, 6:45 - 9:15pm 
Opening ceremony, getting to know one another, and set our intentions for the journey ahead. You can expect: guided meditation, sharing circles, journalling exercises.

The Air: Monday 14th October, 6:45 - 9:15pm
Where it all begins - the breath of life, the story, the dreaming. We will explore the tale of Cerridwen & Taliesin and our visions for our own transformation. You can expect: story-telling, magical workings, and sharing circles. 

The Fire: Monday 21st October, 6:45 - 9:15pm 
Meeting the fire of creation. The rage and the passion. The spirit of Cerridwen as the fierce mother and the element necessary for the bubbling of the Cauldron brew. We will explore our fears and our passions. You can expect: sharing circles, spell-work, guided meditations. 

The Water: Monday 28th October, 6:45 - 9:15pm 
The water that cleanses and supports release. We call upon this element to assist in letting go of old skins we no longer wish to wear. In this circle we will be meeting grief that comes with change, and inviting in the water to cleanse us. You can expect grief-tending, guided meditation, and sharing circles. 

The Earth: Monday 4th November, 6:45 - 9:15pm 
The Earth is here to assist in our grounding and blossoming. We will explore how the Earth can be our anchor to our bodies; bringing our transformed selves into physicality. You can expect guided earth-based embodied practices, sharing circles, and guided meditation. 

Closing Circle: Monday 11th November, 6:45 - 9:15pm 
This is our last circle together. We create space to reflect upon our journey together and explore how we can support ourselves going forward. We will share in a closing ceremony, journalling exercises, sharing circles, and a guided meditation. 

To get the most from this journey, I highly recommend attending each circle live. Playbacks will be available after each meeting. However, if you know you are unable to attend more than 2, please do let me know as this may impact the group dynamic and your ability to engage with this journey fully.

Select tickets

This event started 3 months ago

Hare £90
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Hawk £110
Feeling abundant & generous? Then 'pay it forward' so that those who need to can buy a concession ticket
Hen £70
2 left
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