Family Constellations Day

systemic constellations family constellations relationships ancestral healing family systemic constellations relational healing
Hosted by Elia Coaching
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Family Constellations Day

Sunday, December 10th 2023



  • Do you have an issue in your life you’re struggling with that you’re ready to change and let go of?
  • Do you want to improve the relationships in your life and how you experience connection with others?
  • Do you want to heal topics related to your family and ancestry and become free of ancestral trauma and entanglements?

Then come join on December 10th if you feel the call to explore and experience the power of family constellations to uncover and shift the root causes of these issues, bring healing, love and acceptance for yourself and to your relationships, and release blockages and traumas in your family system.

What is Family Systemic Constellations? 

Family Systemic Constellations is a group process which combines western therapeutic and Zulu ancestral healing practices, to restore the flow of health in our lives, our bodies and family system, clear traumas, and move forward from the past. In this way, we can shift into and experience greater states of acceptance, freedom and compassion, toward the life we want to live and the person we truly are. 


What happens in a constellation?

In a constellation, we tap into the 'knowing field', which is the field of information and memory that surrounds all webs of relationships between people and parts of ourselves, like a mycelium network.   

The seeker speaks their ‘heart’s desire’ of what they want to change in their life, and then chooses representatives amongst the group to bring in the information for the relevant aspects and people related to their issue, shifting the whole system and its members into a greater state of love, compassion, acceptance and ultimately liberation.

What to expect?

Constellations is a powerful change process to improve:

  • Difficulties in relationships and/or challenges or conflict with family members, partners, lovers or friends
  • Recurring negative life patterns or emotional issues, such as anxiety, depression, loneliness, confusion, lack of clarity, or anger 
  • Problems related to money, your career, life direction, and receiving love and material abundance 
  • Mysterious and persistent health issues, symptoms or illnesses 
  • Addictions and obsessive behaviours, thoughts or emotions

On the day, everyone will have a chance to experience a constellation for themselves, and then we will delve into some of the specific topics present in the room.

Who's it for?

This workshop for suitable for everyone, whether you are completely new or experienced in the work, and no special background is required to participate and experience the benefits. All that’s needed is to bring an open mind and heart.

Booking info:

Booking is essential as spaces are limited. 

This workshop has a tendency to sell out, so please book early to avoid disappointment.

Early bird (until November 26th): £55
Standard: £65
Supporter: £75

Location:  Mivart Studios, Cato Street, Easton, Bristol, BS5 6JL

About me:

I’m passionate about this work and am a trained family constellations facilitator, certified and trauma informed life coach, kundalini yoga teacher and intuitive spiritual guide, offering services for personal transformation, guided healing and holistic integration. 

If you have any questions, please email me at

1:1 constellation work and coaching sessions are also available in person or online. Please email me for details.

What past participants have said:

“It was really moving to be a part of and observe the constellation process, and I also found the exercises in between really deep and bringing a lot of wisdom, clarity and insight into these potential dynamics. 
It was a beautifully gentle and immersive experience and the wording that was chosen in the constellation process, I found touching and healing. It all felt very safe and held in a safe and gentle space. 
Lisa comes across so naturally, and so easy to connect with and instantly feel at ease around, she was an amazing facilitator.” -Louise N.

“Lisa thank you so much for your practice, for your insight and for your care. I am so grateful that I came to the weekend- it was a truly magical experience, the effects of which are still percolating. I have been recommending the practice to many people, and I know it will come into my life again.” -Sophie C.

“Thank you Lisa for being such a fantastic listener, observer and supportive facilitator at the family constellation workshop. I am amazed by its process. You created such a gentle and safe space in which I felt very comforted and held. It was an amazing experience.” -A.J. Stevens

"Lisa's sessions allow you to look inside and transform anything you can imagine, even the most abstract things. She creates a caring space and is able to find intuitive positive shifts. I felt like we reset old codes they were not working for me anymore." -Sofia S.




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Feedback on Lisa Friedberg's events

4.3/5 from 4 ratings
about a year ago
Family constellations workshop run by Lisa was a transformative experience. Although the workshop happened a few months ago, it had a profoundly healing effect on my life. I found Lisa to be highly intuitive and skilled with tuning into the energy of the group. Her facilitation was gentle and nurturing. I felt safe.
about a year ago
Lisa’s Family Constellations workshop came highly recommended and I now know why. The way Lisa is able to connect with everyone in the room is amazing. Treating each person uniquely and with the upmost care and consideration. She knows what it means to listen, observe and hold space. It is heavy-going at times and she was able to help guide us through and keep the energy flowing all day! To hold space all day like that takes such skill and it never wavered. She really knows her stuff! I felt very safe. I am very grateful to her for guiding us all. Thank you.
about a year ago
about a year ago
I absolutely loved the workshop. I’d go to another one in a heartbeat. In fact, I wish we could sign up for like three in a row or something, with the same group. This was my first time experiencing family constellations and I found it healing and absolutely fascinating. It’s difficult for my logical mind to make sense of how or why it works, but it was clear that almost everyone in attendance had a deeply profound experience, and witnessing and participating in others’ constellations felt as transformative as talking about and enacting our own family dynamics. Lisa has a beautifully grounded presence and showed great patience and understanding for everyone in attendance. A giant thank you!!