Repair Café at Sherwood Public Library

repair canada
Hosted by The Institute for Community Sustainability
Activity London Repair Café
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52+ people
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Repair Café is a global movement to reduce waste and build skills and community.

During this 2 hour event, we will have community members on hand who can help you with your items that need fixing. If you have a small appliance or piece of clothing or something else that needs fixing, please bring it in and have it repaired - for free :)

Thanks to our awesome team of volunteer "fixers", more than half of all the broken items that are brought in get repaired! Some of the items that have been repaired in the past are: toaster ovens, curling irons, clocks, lamps, jeans, purses, coats, chairs, radios, microwaves, etc.

Interested in being a “fixer”? See here for more details of what that involves and to complete a short volunteer application form.

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