The Role of Ancestry in Community: Family Constellation Circle

systemic constellations family constellations ancestral healing systemic ancestors family systemic constellations nervous system nervous system regulation internal family systems family ancestral skills ancestry ancestral grief ancestral feminine relationships system change reset the nervous system ancestral journey ancestral practices systemic healing ancestral trauma ancestral wisdom ancestral guides
Hosted by Harriet Goudard Family & Nature Constellations
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As we plunge into the darkened Waters of Winter, particularly here in the relative humidity of South Devon, we are reminded of the journey of life that our Ancestors must have taken to get us here.

In that reflection, we are also reminded of the part that our Ancestors still play in our lives - and how they may still be living on through us; our habits, patterns and issues, perhaps…

Water, being the connective tissue of everything within us and surrounding us, this is a powerful time to explore, heal, transform and honour the interconnectedness we have with those who came before us.

Expect a full day of transformation, release, support and holding. A day to dive deeply into what it means to be Human, as well as what it means to take another step towards wholeness.

An opportunity to go deeper with friends and allies; to see them and be seen more deeply, as well as to feel and experience the karmic weft and its significance and interdependence upon each other - as well as how we may harness this positively to benefit the whole tribe…

In healing ourselves, we are able to stand more firmly, rooted into our ancestry, our lands and our body and bones - and thus have the capacity and tenacity to support others in heart-opening service (from grand gestures, to a wink and a smile in the car park).

Join us in what is a day of sharing, symmetry and symbiosis - through the lens and design of Family Constellation.

Please contact me directly to discuss, or book your place; either as Issue Holder (those who set up an issue - limited numbers), or Representative (to be a part of the circle and to take part in the constellations, but without bringing your own issue to set up - great to observe and participate and bring your issue next time!).

Select tickets

Issue Holder £88
Representative £66
Concession Issue Holder £75
Concession Representative £45
Add a donation to Harriet Goudard Family & Nature Constellations

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By proceeding you agree to Dandelion's terms and conditions and understand this event is organised by Harriet Goudard Family & Nature Constellations, who takes financial and legal responsibility for the event.