Circu.lar - Online Women's Circle · Dandelion

Circu.lar - Online Women's Circle

circle sharing circle women circle online circle online womens circle womens circle
Hosted by Marta Manuel | Circu.lar
Activity Circu.lar - Women's Circles
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This is an invitation for reconnection, with yourself and with the ones sharing the space with you. A place to rekindle a feeling of heartfelt support, community and connection, even if you meet in circle with others you've never met before.

It is a brave space to be and to remember how it is to connect deeply, the way our ancestors did. To relearn how to share our voices, our energy, our silence.

You have a story to tell and a story that is worthy of being seen and heard. Now, at first you might think that you don’t have a story to tell, or that your story is way too much to even share. I’m here to tell you – you do have one and your story matters. I believe in the power of sharing our voices, our stories and I believe in the transformational power of being in Circle.

Christiane Northrup said that “Every Woman who heals herself helps heal all the women who came before her, and all those who come after her”. The same way, in Circle and in Life, when you tell your story, you ignite the flame for others to do the same. By telling your own story you heal, you change, and you open the pathway to show that it is possible to express your Truth and Voice.

Being in circle can feel like the most natural thing in the world, or incredibly daunting, or even both. All is welcome!


What to expect?
Before Circle
Sometimes you will be able to carve some time for yourself before circle, sometimes you won't - and that is ok. Life happens and, especially with online circles, your family, children or pets may be close by. However, to fully be in circle, it is important to set this as a time to be able to sit calmly by yourself so, if possible, talk with your family or others who might live with you beforehand. In case something urgent requires your attention, you are of course welcome to switch your camera off and then on again when you return.
Find a comfortable place where you have a low chance of being interrupted and bring any pillows or blankets, and any (non-alcoholic) beverage of your choice. You can also have a candle nearby.

During Circle
Our circle will open gently with an introduction and welcoming you to this space. You will be invited to light your candle, if you have one, so we can all open our circle together. The candle is not mandatory, and you only need yourself to be present.
You will be guided through a short meditation where we connect to the space, our bodies and our energy, breathing and becoming grounded, while I will gently be sharing the Circle guidelines.
This will be followed by an invitation to open sharing. You can share something funny and light, something emotional and challenging, something casual that happened during your day, or even all of these or something else. You can share once, or more, respecting everyone's space to share and time available. Silence is also always welcome, if you just feel like being present with yourself and others.
We will then close our circle space together by sharing any last thoughts or a word to describe your experience leaving circle, and we will blow out our candles.
This is a simple yet transformative structure and experience. On occasion, I might share with you any quotes or poems as my intuition guides me, but the circle will always be very similar to the one described.

After Circle
It is important to take things gently and with tenderness after circle. Sometimes we do feel very vulnerable after such moments, and it is of utmost importance to take your time and care for yourself. Find some practices that suit you - journaling, dancing, breathing, or even cooking, brewing a beverage or taking a shower/bath. Nourish your body and soul with love.


These are some of the values of Circu.lar

If you are a trans-woman or a non-binary person and identify with the inner womb space, you are most welcome here. This is a place of trust and acceptance.

This is a loving and sacred container that is welcoming to all beliefs. Here you will find the invisible magic that weaves between each heart through the powerful and sacred experience of sharing your story with your fellow sisters and holding space for one another. It is a love unlike any other.

Sometimes it will feel like home, sometimes you may feel uncomfortable with the stories being shared. The invitation is to practice deep listening, compassion, and inner questioning.

This is an opportunity to share or to just be in presence and practice deep listening, without the intention of giving advice or sparking conversation. Every story told and moment shared stays in confidentiality, within the integrity of Circle.

And most importantly, this is a space where you can leave all your masks at the door and allow yourself to be you. By joining us in circle, you are giving yourself permission to be seen, held, and heard as you stand in your powerful truth and vulnerability.


Why Circu.lar?
I am Portuguese and both in English and in Portuguese, circular means literally, the shape of a circle. In Portuguese, the single word “lar”, means home. Circle is, for me, a home within myself and amongst others, sharing our stories from the heart. I welcome you home <3


IMPORTANT: if this amount is challenging for you at this point, there are always 2 free seats reserved for these situations. Just contact me to reserve the seat.


I look forward to sharing space with you in Circle

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This event started 10 months ago

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