The Hunter Gatherer Within Retreat: Exploring the Musculine and Feminine through Story · Dandelion

The Hunter Gatherer Within Retreat: Exploring the Musculine and Feminine through Story

retreat mythology feminine energy storytelling masculine archetypes hunter gatherer
Hosted by Grey Wolf Stories
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Stepping beyond the binary and exploring the archetypes of Hunter and Gatherer through traditional story. This weekend retreat will look at the full spectrum of our masculine and feminine energies to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and each other. Together we’ll weave a tapestry of new ways of being as we gather stories and friendships, reconnect with our wild kin, and discover what it is we’re truly hunting for.

The weekend will be facilitated by Storytellers Marcus Pibworth and Danielle Free and is open to individuals and couples. You do not have to identify as male or female to attend, these archetypes and energies extend well past gender and tap into something much broader and older. We are hoping to welcome a diverse group of people!

Watch our Instagram Live Q&A with more details, in it we discuss:

🍃why we chose the symbol of the Hunter gatherer and what it means to us. 

🌳an outline of how the weekend will be structured - through story, activities and community 

🌿the importance of story in our work 

🍂 the practicalities of the weekend - where everyone will sleep (Cottage, yurt or gypsy caravan!), what we will eat, etc 

🌲the beautiful setting of Rock Cottage and the adjoining meadow where we will be spending our time together 

🪵what we hope people will take away from the weekend (and bring with them!)


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We understand that money means different things to everyone - so please select the tier that feels right to you
Low Cost £200
Standard £250
Pay-it-forward £280
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