Imbolc Fire Ceremony @The Old Library

nature fire ceremony imbolc intentions authenticself intention setting dancinginnature beinginnature heal yourself seasonal celebration bonding rituals mindful reflection imbolc celebration imbolc ceremony drinking ritual new beginning
Hosted by New moon rising
Enquiries to
< 10 people
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Greetings, lovely humans,

You are invited to come together to welcome in the unfolding Spring @ The Old Library, 11am-12.45pm on the 1st of February. 

Do you feel called to align with the changing seasons? 

Do you have work from the shadow months that you are excited to turn into the gifts of the unfolding Spring?

 If so, I invite you to join me to call in Imbolc, in a space where you are welcomed to be present as your whole self. To release the old and call in the new. To reflect on what gifts of introspection and reflection the shadow months have offered. 

For thousands of years, Celtic peoples had an alchemical relationship with these lands and celebrated Imbolc as a moment of rebirth. It is a time to call in the coming light and shed that which no longer serves us. It invites initiation and beginnings, insight and commitment. We are invited to leave the shelter of what is comfortable to gather our true power, wisdom and understanding.

In nature, the cycle of change is everywhere. What was and is no longer, is not an ending, but the essence of rebirth. The old gives life to the new in a cycle that connects all living things. 

Yet, as humans, we often fear change. Uncertainty about what lies beyond the known can lead to a sense of entrapment in a life misaligned from our most authentic self.  Without conscious cultivation, our ways of thinking and patterns of being can leave us feeling stuck. When caught in a loop of mistaking the familiar as the good, much of life's magic can feel out of reach.

If this speaks to you, come together in community to celebrate the coming Spring and our own divine power, in an ancient tradition of these Isles. 

The workshop will include;


-A guided meditation to come into ourselves and connect with the coming Spring.


- A discussion on the history of Imbolc and how the Celtic Wheel can be embraced to support wellness.


-A  space to reflect, write, share, and set intentions.


-Once we have given ourselves space to embody the winter's end, we will come together for a ritual of release and renewal to manifest our goals and call in the Spring. 


-Our time together will close with a tea ceremony and intentional planting to take with you into the spring.


- The café will be open with drinks, soup and snacks before and after the workshop if you wish to enjoy connecting or reflecting in the space for longer.

Spaces are limited but open to everyone. Full details will be sent before the event. If you have any questions, please feel free to message :). Proceeds will go towards supporting ongoing community events at the space.

Love and light xo


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Please choose your ticket type
Supporter ticket £18
Inclusion supporter ticket
Workshop ticket £12
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Standard ticket
Inclusion tickets £7
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By proceeding you agree to Dandelion's terms and conditions and understand this event is organised by New moon rising, who takes financial and legal responsibility for the event.