Intimate Sacred Hapé Ceremony

Hosted by The Psychedelic Society
Activity Plant Spirit Sound
Local group London
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12+ people
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Would you like to join us for a cleansing evening with sacred medicine and prayer?

About Hapé

Hapé is a cleansing powdered blend of sacred mapacho tobacco from the Amazonian jungle, mixed with various plants and herbs depending on the tribe that creates it. Sacred tobacco is used for the purposes of prayer, and also helps with purification, and cleansing of our physical and energetic body. 

Hapé is traditionally served through a pipe called a Tepi, usually made from wood or animal bone, and ceremonially blown through each nostril.

Depending upon the blend, Hapé has a variety of cleansing benefits from the physical cleansing of the sinuses and impurities in the body, to the spiritual cleansing of our energetic field. It can purify our mind’s eye that can become blocked to our inner vision. A shamanic understanding of disease is that all sickness is spiritual sickness, and if we can heal the spiritual root of dis-ease, its physical manifestation will also heal. 

We will be using a Hapé blend of Tsunu and Mapacho tobacco made by Yamarume and Hukena, the son and daughter of Pajé (Shaman) Hushahu, who I was privileged enough to receive the medicine from recently in sacred ceremony. Hushahu is from the Yawanawa tribe in Brazil, and the first woman to have been initiated into their lineage going through a 15 month dieta, and the small part of her story I heard was very inspiring. The medicine is made in the traditional way in the jungle, and blessed with sacred prayer away from all noise and distraction. Side note: the medicines we use may vary depending on what I have available at the time. 


18:30 Arrive

18:45 Opening circle

19:15 First Hapé serving

19:45 Sound journey and Gong bath

20:15 Second Hapé serving

20:45 Closing Circle 

21:30 Close

Note: Due to the nature of the ceremony, timings can drastically vary. So please be flexible :-) We aim for the ceremony to run for 3 hours, but there is the potential it could overrun slightly so we ask that you leave 4 hours free. 


The ceremony will be a small group (12 maximum) with the intention to purify our bodies to create a direct connection with higher spiritual realities. 

We will be offering two servings of Hapé; and you will be asked if you want a soft, medium or strong does. The doses and medicine will be explained further on the day of the ceremony, and will be held as a sacred prayer for your healing. 

We open the space with a group circle to set our individual intentions and invite you to come with a prayer for the medicine. We will then administer the first serving of Hapé individually as we all sit and hold space in sacred silence while we sing medicine songs to help with the process. We will hold your intention in mind and use sacred instruments, song and purifying incense to help your process. We then serve the second round of Hapé before closing the space. 

Energy work and hands-on healing may be needed, with your permission, but it is our intention to allow the medicine to do its work as much as possible without our intervention. 

Hapé can be purgatory, vomiting is rare but possible depending on sensitivity to the tobacco and the dose you choose to take- we will consult with you before administering. Buckets, tissues and toilets will all be nearby should you need them. 

We are blessed to be living in a time where healing modalities from eco-centric cultures are being shared with the west. Connecting with Hapé is one of these sacred methods that we are lucky enough to have access to. With this in mind it is important to understand the power of this medicine and that you should only come to this work if you have a sacred prayer. Hapé is also very addictive and if you abuse it, it will have a detrimental impact in your life.  

Hapé is a safe medicine, but please keep in mind if you have serious sinus problems or are allergic to tobacco the ceremony should be avoided. Attending the ceremony is at your discretion, and while we have never seen any serious reactions to this medicine, there is a chance of an allergic reaction to either the tobacco or tsunu. The ceremony should be avoided if you have any serious mental health issues such as schizophrenia or psychosis, or are taking antidepressants or antipsychotics. Also avoid if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. 

Diet request

  • Please fast (just water) for 1 hour before the ceremony and avoid a heavy meal for 4 hours before. 
  • On the day do not eat meat, processed or fried food and avoid caffeine, all drugs and alcohol to respect the energetic container we will be co creating as a group.

Your responsibility 

  • Please bring a water bottle
  • Please bring anything you need to feel comfortable

We will provide a yoga mat and blanket, please feel free to bring your own and anything else you need for comfort if you would prefer it. 


Low income £33

Standard £44

Abundant £55 

Facilitator Bios 

Luke Miller has been working ceremonially with plants since 2014. After a 13 month soul initiation working with Ayahuasca in the Amazonian jungle, he travelled to India to integrate the experience and learn Yoga and Pranayama techniques - eventually landing in the UK and being initiated into a form of Kemetic (Egyptian) yoga called Smai Tawi (which means union of the lands). Luke has recently completed a 30 day diet with the Yawanawa tribe in the Amazonian forest in Brazil, learning traditional songs and working with Uni (Ayahuasca) and Hape. Luke now combines this life experience alongside intuitive sound healing to create ceremonial events of cross cultural healing modalities. A unique transcendental experience merging plants, movement and sound healing.

Bhavinie Miller is a Wild and Free Divine Mother who follows her Truth fiercely. She left her corporate legal career in 2018 after a profound out-of-body experience and took a leap-of-faith with a one-way ticket to India. She deepened her knowledge of Reiki, Sound Healing, Yoga and Meditation, and her Self. She found Plant Medicines and the Song of her Spirit.

She uses Sacred Sound and Medicinal Movement to deepen our connection within. 

Free-birthing her baby and embodying Motherhood has been her biggest initiation. Finding peace, presence and growth through the power of Unconditional Love for her daughter, and herself.


Together we created Heart Centered Living, a family run initiative created to encourage individuals and society to live from the heart. We use seven universal principles, including Love, Truth and Unity to explain the philosophy of Heart Centered Living. We combine these principles with experiential techniques for connecting to higher consciousness, specifically using Nature as Medicine to find spiritual union and have a direct experience with our higher divinity. Learn more about HCL Here

REFUNDS POLICY: Please note, we do not arrange refunds or exchanges. When possible we encourage reselling on Ticketswap.

ACCESS:  We do our best to include everyone in our events, regardless of health circumstances. If you have access requirements please email the event organiser directly to discuss. Many facilitators are able to offer reduced ticket prices for those truly unable to afford the ticket price. If this applies to you, do please get in touch with the event organiser.

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