Metamodernity - A Four Week Course with Emil Ejner Friis · Dandelion

Metamodernity - A Four Week Course with Emil Ejner Friis

psychedelic philosophy philosophy social change course
Hosted by The Psychedelic Society
Activity Metamodernism
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Metamodernism is the latest emerging grand narrative of our time. 

Following postmodernism, it describes a set of interrelated developments in philosophy, politics, ethics and aesthetics you ought to know about, especially if you want to see the future humanity is potentially heading towards. You may not be ready for it yet, but your kids are gonna love it.

This course is for anyone interested in getting a comprehensive introduction to metamodernism. Pre-existing knowledge is not required. You will finish the course understanding the relevance and importance of stage theory, how to distinguish metamodernism from postmodernism and integral theory, and how to apply this new way of thinking to your life. 

We are excited to have Emil Ejner Friis guiding this course, a co-founder of Metamoderna and one of the writers behind Hanzi Freinacht. 

The course will take place 7 pm - 9 pm (2h) UK time via Zoom. Links to join will be emailed to you on securing your place. 

Sessions will be recorded and shared so you can catch up if you're late or miss a session.

Course Overview

Session 1: What Metamodernism Is, and What It’s Not

  • A super brief introduction to modernism and postmodernism.
  • A brief history of the term “metamodernism”.
  • The three different “kinds” of metamodernism.
  • What’s the difference between metamodernism and integral?
  • Are you metamodern? A quick personality test.
  • What people usually get wrong about metamodernism.

Session 2: An Introduction to Stage Theories

  • Development, why it’s real and why it matters!
  • Why we should use stage theories, and why they aren’t evil.
  • A very brief introduction to: Piaget, Spiral Dynamics, Ken Wilber, Kegan, Michael Common’s Model of Hierarchical complexity.
  • Hanzi Freinacht’s four dimensions of developments and how it adds up to the effective value meme.
  • The ways stage theories delude people and drive them crazy.
  • How stage theories in fact are being used for “evil”.
  • A better use of stage theories. How to not be a jerk around them.

Session 3: The Difference between Modernism, Postmodernism and Metamodernism

  • A brief history of modernism and postmodernism.
  • How to spot metamodernism, and where to look.
  • The tricky task of telling postmodernism and metamodernism apart.
  • What makes our current society postmodern?
  • What would a metamodern society look like?

Session 4: An Introduction to Hanzi Freinacht’s Philosophy

  • Who is Hanzi? And more importantly, why is Hanzi?
  • Didn’t read The Listening Society? Don’t have the time? No problem, Emil will tell you all you need to know for a dinner table conversation.
  • Same with Nordic Ideology? Emil’s got you covered.
  • The things most people misunderstand about Hanzi.
  • How to not be like most people.


About your Facilitator


Emil Ejner Friis (b. 1981) is a theory artist and a teacher of metamodernism, he is a co-founder of Metamoderna and one of the writers behind Hanzi Freinacht. He has spent the last ten years trying to figure out how to create a listening society, a kinder and more developed society that deeply cares for the happiness and emotional needs of every citizen.

He has tried and failed at creating a metamodern political party, he has tried and failed at creating a metamodern IT-company, and he has just plainly failed at ever finishing his not so metamodern university studies by being drawn to all kinds of adventures to try and save the world instead.

When he’s not writing and theorizing from his safehouse in Berlin, he’s conspiring with other metamodernly inclined hackers, hipsters and hippies to outcompete modern society. To pay the rent he sells words, all the best words.

Emil is a skilled and experienced speaker and has a reputation of being quite entertaining and good at making complex ideas easier to digest.

Feedback from previous workshops and publications

★★★★★ You won't find this kind of analysis anywhere else. Building on Ken Wilber's Integral theory, and Vermeulen and Van Der Acker's Metamodernist Arts thesis, this looks at how the latest cultural developments can, should, and will, affect the political landscape in the next 10 - 20 years.” - O&G

★★★★★ Beautiful, provocative, fun and inspiring.” - Jon

★★★★★ “…a meaningful and significant contribution to our collective capacity for sense making and meaning making. I really hope that increasing numbers of people get exposed to these ideas, and more importantly, to this kind of perspective taking, so that we can help each other to pass through critical thresholds that need to be crossed, socially, culturally, politically, and philosophically…” - BK

★★★★★ “People who read this book will understand human behaviour and culture better than those who don’t, and they will significantly outcompete them. In the best interest of all beings.” - Welf von Horen
“…first of its kind, generating a deep discussion about society’s psychological development from a metamodern perspective. While many people are still floundering to figure out what comes after postmodernism, some, like Hanzi Freinacht, are working vigorously to get ahead of the problem…" - Brent Cooper

REFUNDS POLICY: Please note, we do not arrange refunds or exchanges. When possible we encourage reselling on Ticketswap.

ACCESS:  We do our best to include everyone in our events, regardless of health circumstances. If you have access requirements please email the event organiser directly to discuss. Many facilitators are able to offer reduced ticket prices for those truly unable to afford the ticket price. If this applies to you, do please get in touch with the event organiser.

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